Any event ideas?

[DEFN] Angry little man  VIP 16 May 19 at 3:43pm
Post any event ideas you have. I will take them into consideration.


i hate you fuckers

mablightning  Member 16 May 19 at 4:38pm
2 words. Nexus raid. Get a good map of the nexus, have the rebels try to fight to the top of the tower and kill the VIP in his office. (VIP should not be heavily armed. Just basic armor and a pansy pistol.)
niko  VIP 16 May 19 at 4:54pm Edited
An adviser pod crashes down into some random area in an undertraveled area of the map and the combine have to retrieve it and protect it from the rebels, before taking it to base and prepping it for orbital launch to an awaiting transport ship. The rebels see this as a tactical opportunity and a leadership declares that all efforts will be focused on either A. Destroying the pod and then the adviser or B. Capturing it and transporting it to a scientific research base. During this event ALL troops MUST fight for the pod, all deployment rules are thrown out the window, anything is game that doesn't break the server rules. Before the event starts, give each team 10-15 minutes for prep, depending on certain factors. This is so that grids and engis can make arty that can be shot onto the area around the pod.

The pod moves near the general area of the group of people closest to it. If the area around the pod is contested E.G. 1 rebel and 5 combine it stops moving. In order to prevent total steamrolling of one team by the other, maybe you can make it so the pod projects a dark energy field (just an explosion) that kills everything next to it, so that the other team has an opportunity to seize it. When the pod reaches the combine or rebel base, the opposing team can enter the base with no repercussions. Once the pod reaches the kilo bay/rebel killhouse, and is held there uncontested for 1 minute, the event is over. Whichever team wins should be given lots of promos unless it was a steamroll.

If rebels shoot at the pod enough, with either bullets or explosives, an admin will use the advisor pill, remove the pod, and uncloak. Maybe give the advisor more health? And maybe the advisor could be "crazy" and attack all factions, changing the objective to kill the advisor for everyone.

Another idea just popped into my head, a valuable antlion grub has appeared somewhere and antlions are appearing to defend it. Grab some volunteers and pill them like this: 2 antlion guards, and the rest normal antlions. Spawn a bunch of antlions, antlion guards, workers, whatever. When a volunteer dies, wait 5 seconds and then tp them back and repill them. Same with npcs except spawn them again. Eventually, after a lot of antlion death, pill a volunteer with antlion guardian, and give him like 5k hp, since antlions attack a guardian player. When he dies, pill yourself as a grub and uncloak near where he died. Either A. The rebels/combine have to kill you and take the little thing you leave behind, B. take you back to their base for study. After this, another staff continues spawning antlions until event conclusion.

Both rebels and combine fight for the grub. Combine vs Antlions vs Rebels.

The only vehicles allowed are VTOL, transport heli and APC for transportation. RPGs aren't allowed, nor are any explosives. EODs, Shield units, medics, have to wait 1 min to redeploy. OSS has to wait 2.

BTW workers do neurotoxin damage in an AOE on death.

It would also be fantastic if you could find a way to increase the HP of antlions and their damage, as vanilla antlions do pathetic amounts of damage, except for workers, which only deal neurotoxin damage which regens, and guardians who also do neurotoxin damage.
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