AS-VAL Weight Change

[VN] Ragnarok  Member 3 Apr 24 at 12:29am
FULL RP Name(s):
A: EOW REAPER 07 1817 / OTA SWORD 05 1414 / OSS TITAN Ragnarok / GB-SU INQUISITOR EU-7:G SPC Masako / FH HECU C-4 SFC Solomons 

Discord Username:
A: Ragnarok

Steam ID:
A: STEAM_0:0:26914125

Workshop Link: (If applicable)
A: N/A

What is your suggestion?
A: Change the weight of the AS-VAL

How would this benefit the server?
A: It really bugged me when I crafted the AS-VAL and realized it's 9 weight, for such a low-profile and lightweight weapon, usually associated with Spec Ops, I think (and from what I've heard, I believe some would agree) that it would make much more sense for it to be lighter. 

I don't know how much carry weight every class gets, but I'm pretty sure that most classes can't even use the gun, which surely makes it an overlooked weapon. You often see people running SCARs or P-90's, so not only reducing it's carry weight would make more "sense", it could spice up the weapon variety on the server.

My recommendation is it be reduced to 7, but even if it's reduced to 8 it'd be an improvement for the gun.

fh technoviking lt.glykon solomons

[Image: rTJsc8O.jpeg]
ϟDEFNϟSakra  VIP 3 Apr 24 at 4:52pm
+1 for some weps cw tweaking, but also i do think that some weps have the extra-added carryweight for balance reasons instead of how much they would weight so,, a small adjustment maybe!!
Dr. Sevoia  Server Moderator VIP 3 Apr 24 at 5:37pm
-1 AsVal is a glass cannon and HP melter as itself, it has the correct weight.
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JOLLY_RED158  VIP 3 Apr 24 at 5:40pm
I agree, 7 or 8 is a good place for it.
I also think that having guns that you can't use except for those high weight/CO jobs is kinda dumb and reduces the gun variety. Let people use more guns and have more fun!
Lunar Frost  VIP 4 Apr 24 at 2:57am Edited
-1 the gun is ridiculously good, it's basically an SMG with AR rounds, shit hits hard af and giving it 7 CW will make it the most used gun, I'm happy with how it is cuz then you'd see people like HECU or OL use it more along with rampage and SPP rounds, thanks but no thanks
[VN] Ragnarok  Member 4 Apr 24 at 3:46am
What if it was 8?

fh technoviking lt.glykon solomons

[Image: rTJsc8O.jpeg]
DeerDust  Head Gamemaster VIP 4 Apr 24 at 12:32pm Edited
+1, would be a positive change overall considering it’s current position in weapon balancing

(4 Apr 24 at 2:57am)Lunar Frost Wrote: -1 the gun is ridiculously good, it's basically an SMG with AR rounds, shit hits hard af and giving it 7 CW will make it the most used gun, I'm happy with how it is cuz then you'd see people like HECU or OL use it more along with rampage and SPP rounds, thanks but no thanks

You do understand using rampage has its downsides right, and having to spend even 7 carry weight means most if not all of OL/HECU carry weight can’t be used for armor

I think 8 would be most reasonable anyways, 9 is pretty excessive
Dr. Sevoia  Server Moderator VIP 4 Apr 24 at 12:48pm
Class CW has a meaning related to their set, if they need a weapon with more CW than their limit, maybe what they really need is to play another class instead of pursuring the need of that inventory weapon
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AbsentDon  Member 6 Apr 24 at 9:27pm
+1 its way too heavy for any class other than partisan or legion to use it cus of no more overweight
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