Bob Good's GM Application

Part  Member 2 Mar 22 at 3:56pm Edited
Gamemaster Application

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CWU T3 R&M-C Bob Good
MPF UNION A5 08 00416

SteamID & Discord Name/Tag



Eastern Time Zone, United States

List all (if any) previous punishments (Warns/Bans)

2 warns in total.

What is your reason(s) for applying for Gamemaster?

I want to be able to sell tools and equipment as a CWU.
I have some creative ideas that I think could make fun events.

Have you ever been Event Staff or something similar before? If so, list your previous positions.


Describe how you react to negative feedback, from constructive criticism to borderline harassment.

People express themselves differently. Knowing that, I know that some people may give me honest to god, down to earth, critical feedback. And other people may just simply say "that event was gay fuck you". But it is them expressing how they felt about the event, and that is what I need to know in order to be able to improve upon my future event planning.

While planning a server-wide Event you realized that it would make hosting it much easier if you had another Gamemaster assisting you, and manage to get someone to help. Unfortunately 5 minutes before the Event is scheduled to begin, they messaged you and said they would be absent. How do you proceed?

If the other game master played a role that I can easily pick up the slack, then I will do my best to continue on with the event. But if they played a crucial role for the event to play out properly, I would either have to find a quick fill in or postpone/cancel the event until it can be hosted at a more appropriate time.

While planning an Event, you decide to test some of the tools you think would be helpful. You go to the admin room, and start to experiment. Unfortunately, while testing with some NPCs the server crashed. How do you react?

I would be honest in saying what I did. There's no reason for me not to lie about or cover up what I did knowing what I was doing was free of malicious intent. I would try to learn more on what is likely to crash the server so I can know to stay away from those things. If I have specific questions about tools, NPCs, or in game functions that could run the high risk of crashing the server, I would instead ask my peers if they can answer my curiosity.

An NCO has finished training a Recruit, but there are no COs or Staff online to provide the whitelist. What do you do?

I would give the recruit their whitelist to whatever faction they are pending for.

While hosting a server-wide Event you have implemented a RP section where players can interact with a computer in order to open a door. Unexpectedly, a CO decides that they would rather that door stay closed (Presumably so that the other side cannot continue), and orders that the computer be destroyed. Given that the door is essential to progressing your event, how do you react?

I would prefer not to have to argue with the CO on the matter but I would tell them that the door is crucial for the event to play out as planned. I can also use quick creative thinking to manipulate the circumstances to have the event play out as it was designed such as the computer glitching out and malfunctioning which forces the door to open prematurely or something along those lines.

While hosting a server-wide Event, a CmD/MAJ decides that they dislike it, and begin to openly attempt to get players to refuse to participate. This reaches the point that there are almost no players participating on one side. How do you resolve the situation?

Seeing as they are making a very big deal out of it, I would report it to my superior. I would make a final offer for the disapproving faction to participate in the event. If they refuse, I will try to find a way to make the event playable for the other faction that is willing to play. There is no sense in ruining the fun for others if one group decides not to participate. My idea is to at least try to give the willing participants a chance to have fun in a event.

After hosting a server-wide Event, you are in the middle of a post-event Debrief when the COs present tell you to stop hosting your DB so they can host theirs. How do you react?

I would tell the CO to wait and I would try to wrap up my DB.

What permissions do Gamemasters have, both inside and outside of Events?

Spawn props, spawn vehicles, spawn items.

While preparing to host an Event, you notice that there are 3 vehicles deployed, and that the server is lagging a bit because of that. What do you do?

I would tell their CO's to have them undeploy so the event can start.

Describe your design process of Events prior to queuing them.

The one thing I always try to keep in mind when designing events is keeping the event fun. Either through the general idea of the event or the lore/plot of the event if I make a event based around that. Some people may enjoy the challenge of onslaught combat while others may enjoy the feeling of playing a mini-game or alternative game like hide and seek, prop hunt, imposter, etc. It's from these ideas that I can try to balance a few of these themes to create a generally fun experience for everyone.

Create three Event ideas and describe them below. Be as detailed as you feel necessary. Originality is appreciated, and a lack of details will be penalized.

1. In this event, there is a derelict research station in a undisclosed location in the sewers. The research station was being used by the resistance to try and circumvent the effects of the combine reproductive suppression field. However, all those associated in the research failed to report in and the station went missing for a great deal of time. However, after a successful infiltration into the combine base by a SU, information on the research station's whereabouts have been rediscovered. But, the combine detected the breach in their data network. It will be a race of time to see which faction can find and secure the derelict research station. If the resistance secure this data back to their base, this could greatly help with research efforts to crack the suppression field and allow humanity to being repopulating. But if this data is returned to the combine, the resistance will have to live to fight another day in order to continue bringing the fight to the combine.

Both factions will be told that the research is somewhere in the sewers (on a map with sewers obviously). Once one team finds the station they will begin downloading the data. At this point both factions will be alerted to the precise location of the station. The time for the download will not stop regardless of who controls the station. Once a team secures the downloaded data, they must return it to their base. The downloaded data can be stolen so it must be guarded on the way back to base. The sewer may be infested with antlions or zombies so it will be an added challenge to traverse the sewer system in it's infested state. The winning team may be awarded tokens or weapons of each individual's choosing.

2. A CWU junker has spent enough time collecting scrap parts and junk to rebuild some cars and is selling them to the citizens of City 17 for profit.

Build a small car dealership, and charge a fixed price for vehicles to people willing to buy.

3. This would be a civilian event. I would set up a closed off area of the map and have about 6-20 players depending on how full the server is. One civilian will be chosen as a sniper and one civilian will secretly be chosen as a secret agent without anyone else knowing. The agent will have to complete a number of tasks like move this prop to this bin or break this bottle, etc. The agent will have limited time to complete their tasks. If the sniper finds the agent and shoots them, the sniper wins. If the agent completes the tasks without dying, the agent wins. All participants will receive a reward at the end of the event. This event is inspired from the game SpyParty.

How often do you think GMs should host events?

At a bare minimum, once or twice a week. Because we have a decent number of GM's where just doing it a couple times a week should keep the consistency of events. Plus we don't want to have GM's spend their whole life on CvR.

Do you understand and accept the following clause: I will not leak Staff or Gamemaster information, I will not abuse my powers, and I will not break the Gamemaster rules.

I understand and accept the mentioned clause.

Do you understand the basics of using ULX? List what you know.


RussTime  VIP 15 Mar 22 at 5:57pm
I see Bob on quite a bit especially on CWU, seems like a nice person, and your third event idea would be fun to play or just to even watch.

Discord: RussTime#9208 (dm me if you need anything or have a question
[DEFN] Aithead  Head Gamemaster VIP 26 Mar 22 at 7:23pm

After internal discussion, we believe you are not a good fit for GM.

This is due in-part to both;
-Lack of history/presence within the community.
-Several aspects of your application.

Event Ideas;

1. Your first Event proposal is good. It has a clear purpose and ties into HL2. Sewers are only really present on C13v3 (as per the current map cycle), but there are locations that are unused down there. I might suggest moving it aboveground due to the proximity of the majority of V3's sewers to the Combine Base, but there are ways to compensate for that. 

2. Your second Event proposal is bad. Stores are incredibly generic and are hosted almost daily by GMs. The ability to host Stores as a GM is not a measure of competency, creativity, or originality. If you re-apply, I recommend not including a Store as an Event Proposal.

3. Your third Event proposal is not bad, but it has too many variables to work out properly. Players don't usually enjoy acting as side-characters with only two people actually participating in the Event (the Agent and the Sniper), so they'd probably leave the area or cause trouble during the Event. Managing objectives is fine with only one person you need to watch, but other players could achieve or otherwise interfere with objectives, and if they aren't doing objectives it's pretty obvious who the Agent is.

You may re-apply in two weeks.

Locked + Moved.

Gamemaster Supervisor.

Ancient GRID CmD, prior SU Major/GB COL.

Credit to SEVIN.
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