Why should we remove warn/ban? I was given no warnings and promptly banned for 6 weeks, its also confusing to me because i wasnt even sure who or what was a civilian i was only killing them because i thought they were combines disguised as civillians ive killed those before so i did so without knowing, its my fault im sure we can work something out less then 6 weeks.
Evidence/Other: There was one dude who was disguised as a civilian sitting in the windows of B who i was killing i thought they were all like him cause id get kills logged on my gun.
to be honest, i think you deserve a ban for going around Killing Civilians, but 6 weeks is definitely oversized, this rather looks to me like the fact that your Trainer never gave you the needed info, so he should get some punishment too.
It's good to point out for those responsible for the appeal, that this incident happened on the same day that Blackwater PMC were conducting business, which can be confusing for new players given how anarchists look exactly like civilians. Perhaps that's what he meant with "enemy disguised as civilian" since the combine can't disguise at all. 6 weeks is insane given the circumstances.
We want to keep players, not remove them. Bill acknowledged what he did was wrong. Most people can't even do that.
I had no idea about blackwater until they came on a day or so ago. Combine disguised as civillians doesnt make any sense to me.. but if I saw civis shooting and I got logged kills, it makes some sense.
I've been killed multiple times as a civilian by NCO combine. The reason was "Don't look like a rebel. Don't be in a war zone." Would they have gotten 6 weeks if I said something?
This wasn't intentional rule breaking. This was not by any definition "Mass Random Deathmatch". Bill had his reasons and thought he was making the correct choice. It wasn't random, blatant killing.
He admitted he was wrong. Let's have Bill as a regular player and get him back in the server ASAP.
(3 Apr 24 at 8:12am)[DN] Johnson Wrote: to be honest, i think you deserve a ban for going around Killing Civilians, but 6 weeks is definitely oversized, this rather looks to me like the fact that your Trainer never gave you the needed info, so he should get some punishment too.
I agree that 6 weeks is too much, but i also don't think that the trainer is at fault for not telling bill. Most anarchist factions come on relatively infrequently, and even if they do come on you might not even be guaranteed to interact with them, so It would make sense if the trainer just didn't know the specific details. If anyone, the CO's should notify their faction about the presence of an anarchist faction.
The ban has been reduced by 5 weeks, considering you are a new player. Do not make this mistake again and if you are confused about anything, check out the field manual or ask staff or other players in game.
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)]Locked and Moved.[/color]
Discord Username: Bootstrap_Billy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47115384
Who warned/banned you? STEAM_0:0:426307842
Date of Warn/Ban: 4/2/24
Ban Length: 6 weeks
Warn/Ban Reason: Mrdm
Why should we remove warn/ban? I was given no warnings and promptly banned for 6 weeks, its also confusing to me because i wasnt even sure who or what was a civilian i was only killing them because i thought they were combines disguised as civillians ive killed those before so i did so without knowing, its my fault im sure we can work something out less then 6 weeks.
Evidence/Other: There was one dude who was disguised as a civilian sitting in the windows of B who i was killing i thought they were all like him cause id get kills logged on my gun.
ViscusBanned 3 Apr 24 at 12:19pmI had no idea about blackwater until they came on a day or so ago. Combine disguised as civillians doesnt make any sense to me.. but if I saw civis shooting and I got logged kills, it makes some sense.
I've been killed multiple times as a civilian by NCO combine. The reason was "Don't look like a rebel. Don't be in a war zone." Would they have gotten 6 weeks if I said something?
This wasn't intentional rule breaking. This was not by any definition "Mass Random Deathmatch". Bill had his reasons and thought he was making the correct choice. It wasn't random, blatant killing.
He admitted he was wrong. Let's have Bill as a regular player and get him back in the server ASAP.
I agree that 6 weeks is too much, but i also don't think that the trainer is at fault for not telling bill. Most anarchist factions come on relatively infrequently, and even if they do come on you might not even be guaranteed to interact with them, so It would make sense if the trainer just didn't know the specific details. If anyone, the CO's should notify their faction about the presence of an anarchist faction.
Anarchists/CWU/Civilians can be very confusing for new players, especially if they weren't informed or are just trying to understand