Ghosts GM app O_O

Bel1ve.  VIP 18 Oct 21 at 5:10pm
Gamemaster Application

List all RP Character names

MPF UNION 09 1000,

SteamID & Discord Name/Tag

STEAM_0:1:70324061   |       Cilio de Carvalho Pinto#0583


Europe / UTC/GMT+1  - CET (I believe, not good with timezone shit)

List all (if any) previous punishments (Warns/Bans)

I have not received any warns this year I believe or probably just 1? But because there are 19 warns I will not be listing them all down, take a screenshot instead.
(some were false warnings from way back and some are actions that are considered valid now.)
[Image: ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett...rbox=false]

What is your reason(s) for applying for Gamemaster?

Got a bunch of ideas to do when it gets boring on CVR that might make playing on the server more appealing to others.

Have you ever been Event Staff or something similar before? If so, list your previous positions.

Nope, had idea's and actually did them a few times for example: A simple anarchist with perks, where I would be like hacking the PC terminal in CL5 or Councilman office in rebel base

Describe how you react to negative feedback, from constructive criticism to borderline harassment.

Well, you can really tell the difference between feedback and constructive criticism really quickly (usually). I tend to take any advice when I would be doing events to eventually make them as fun as possible, mistakes are there to be learned from and that's why I embrace them. However harassment isn't taken lightly, I would simply ignore it and if it becomes too personal it would simply be reported to their respective CO and staff.

While planning a server-wide Event you realized that it would make hosting it much easier if you had another Gamemaster assisting you, and manage to get someone to help. Unfortunately 5 minutes before the Event is scheduled to begin, they messaged you and said they would be absent. How do you proceed?

Obviously, I would try to have at least 1 GM backup in case this would happen, if they both somehow would be absent, I would try to get another GM there to help me out of course. If this is not feasible I would see if it is still possible to do it alone, if not I'll try to come up with a replacement event that would be kind of similar to the event that was planned to still keep the show rolling.

While planning an Event, you decide to test some of the tools you think would be helpful. You go to the admin room and start to experiment. Unfortunately, while testing with some NPCs the server crashed. How do you react?

ngl I would be kinda nervous if this would ever happen to me, but evidently, I would notify sentinel, if he does not respond destiDUDE, if he does not respond Aura/Joe.

An NCO has finished training a Recruit, but there are no COs or Staff online to provide the whitelist. What do you do?

Obviously, get him the whitelist, however, I am not that familiar with CO/Staff borderlines except actual sits involving RDM or Failrp.

While hosting a server-wide Event you have implemented a RP section where players can interact with a computer in order to open a door. Unexpectedly, a CO decides that they would rather that door stay closed (Presumably so that the other side cannot continue), and orders that the computer be destroyed. Given that the door is essential to progressing your event, how do you react?
Various ways to continue or counter these examples being:

1. Tell them to stop or the opposing team wins by default (serious)
2. A strong ass turret spawns in and starts killing the CO to make them stop (minor trolling)
3. Artillery starts being fired at the designated location to make them stop (minor trolling)
4. You start neck-snapping people as the computer has the power to do that if it feels threatened (Major trolling, SCP inspired)
5. Computer spawns in a Juggernaut to cease the hostile behavior towards itself (major trolling, SCP inspired)

I can come up with more but I will keep this at 5

While hosting a server-wide Event, a CmD/MAJ decides that they dislike it, and begin to openly attempt to get players to refuse to participate. This reaches the point that there are almost no players participating on one side. How do you resolve the situation?

Here is where positive feedback comes in, You ask them what they dislike about this event and what type of event they would enjoy. At the end of the day, it's in my opinion the choice of the player if they wish to attend the event or not, if the CO starts crossing borderlines like "I will demote you if you attend" or "You must not attend as in orders", I'd send this through a higher up to make sure if it's allowed or not.

(always vote at the end of events to get that some sort of positive feedback)

After hosting a server-wide Event, you are in the middle of a post-event Debrief when the COs present tell you to stop hosting your DB so they can host theirs. How do you react?

Ask them to hold on for a minute and speed up the process of post-event DB so I don't hold them up any longer than is necessary.

(usually doesn't last long and I have rarely seen CO tell GM's to stop doing their required post-event DB)

What permissions do Gamemasters have, both inside and outside of Events?

Inside events:

Spawn or remove vehicles,
Stop players from doing stuff that would obstruct/hinder the event,
Build with props to make an event area or adjust the event area accordingly
Give or Take HP to players
Changing player models

Outside events:

Give whitelist
Remove vehicles or Set them upright if they had somehow flipped themselves over. (ova/tech moment)
Give/Take resources

While preparing to host an Event, you notice that there are 3 vehicles deployed, and that the server is lagging a bit because of that. What do you do?

I think this would be on staff to deal with? I would ask them about it and if need be I would tell them to undeploy their vehicles until the server has cooled down, so I can give them their resources back.

Describe your design process of Events prior to queuing them.

They usually would be inspired by movies/Games for example SCP or Simply something within their base or class

Let me elaborate taking my mentions of the "event" I did prior as an anarchist.

1. I am anarchist and bored what can I do that would involve rebels or combine? :troll:
2. What is in their base that would most likely attract attention? Their high clearance level offices (PC/leadership Office)
3. I hack their terminal to expose their darkest secrets. (they are furry or like to see the funny fnaf sex)
4. has proven to be useful, after announcing the hack, I have seen multiple rebels/combine attempts to apprehend me from hacking their terminals.

 Example of the above process:

Any event could be made in a similar way like this, another example:
(I think of vortigaunt -> bring back old transcendent vortigaunt that has been spotted in sewers ->
combine/rebels fight over the location to acquire his ancient powers -> winning team gets 1/2 or even 3 depending on their stats and if they are good or not. ->

Now you may wonder, how do I get them the vort? They all roll and the highest one gets to become one :troll:  (of course I get these events approved first)

Create three Event ideas and describe them below. Be as detailed as you feel necessary. Originality is appreciated, and a lack of details will be penalized.

(don't mention that I stole the rangers name from wasteland) This event could also be adjusted to Ground vehicles if need be or some sort of transport event. Since I must spoil most of what I would be doing in these events it'll look in order on what I would be doing, but in reality, this is a VERY small portion of what I initially would be doing if it comes to major events.

1. A group of anarchists named the  "Rangers" are scouting the area for a safe LZ, they will be flying around and both sides must attempt to stop them. There might be 1, 2, or 3 that will be flying around. They will be obviously player-controlled, Gm can join to make the event easier and more fun or players can fly them(Depending on if players want to participate or not). After a transport gets destroyed, they will drop the player down and his objective is to try to survive or hide until the timer is up. Combine/rebels can let them be captured (for great reward) or killed (normal reward), but they will be fast as they are not supposed to be interrogated. (if they get interrogated they will reveal a portion of what might come next if it comes to my events)

Continuation of the previous event, yes I love making a sort of storyline if it comes to events. Sadly I will have to spoil this portion and I really hate doing it but usually, my apps get denied if I don't.

2. the game was rigged from the start, the transport helicopters were there as a distraction, the real objective was scouting the land and both rebel and combine base.
   With taking over the land (won't happen but storyline stuff), They set up a FOB somewhere depending on the map. Depending on if they got the intel or not by interrogating the guy from before they will be told exactly where it's located or by default general location. The "Anarchist Rangers" are heavily armed, like I am talking power suit type shit (pretty much Juggs), they'll be guarding the location with their life of course. There is a terminal located within the FOB that must be hacked takes like 1 minute, but it requires facial recognition that needs to be bypassed which takes 4 minutes. (so no funny invisible mace and RP reason they can't)

Of course, here again, GM/players would be guarding the location with their life as AI are absolutely ass in my opinion if it comes to events.

Continuation of the previous event

3. Damn you guys got fooled AGAIN, it was a decoy FOB cause they knew something like this would happen, but you guys are now aware this is a SERIOUS threat for both rebels and combine and will not act lightly about this situation at hand, or will you? Apparently, the Anarchist rangers have stolen most of your vehicles from a stupid 09/T10  who left it right for the grabbing. Of course, you do NOT want them to get knowledge of your vehicles when they attack so you prevent them by going to their nearest FOB to steal back the blueprints and destroy the vehicles there. This time there seems to be little guard, what are they planning? This guy, however? Seems to be an expert at his job and way and I mean way stronger than the guys from before and knows how to aim. They sadly are unable to capture him due to his inherent strength as he breaks right out of them. Once he dies they got to Destroy/Steal the Rebels/Combine Vehicles and Burn/Steal the Blueprints from the Rebels/Combine. It takes maybe 5 minutes to kill the guy if factions use teamwork and 10 minutes to hack into the vehicle and like a few seconds to type in /me steals blueprints and burns other

After the guy died it's pretty much rebels vs combine, much continuation in the events and getting clues for the next event if they successfully do an alternate way. They also might make the events harder or easier.

I also came up with most of this JUST now, imagine what else I got stored up in my big creative brain. They are quite ordinary but I guess when I actually get to set things up it'll probably turn out more polished. The locations will be most definitely RP-wise be very cool designed by myself if need be.

How often do you think GMs should host events?

This would entirely depend on their schedule, if they can, at least 1 enjoyable event a week. or 2 normal events.

Do you understand and accept the following clause: I will not leak Staff or Gamemaster information, I will not abuse my powers, and I will not break the Gamemaster rules.

I understand and accept the clause, why would I apply if I wouldn't? Smile

Do you understand the basics of using ULX? List what you know.

I am going, to be honest, I have for a while, not done anything regarding ULX but this is what I got in mind right now.

!ap or !armor ( I think)
cheeto  VIP 18 Oct 21 at 5:12pm Edited
+1 even though many people don't like you i see you being a good gm
best of luck

idc if ur blood or you crip if u jacking the opps anybody get hit

Bel1ve. likes this post
Bore/Sev  Head Administrator VIP 18 Oct 21 at 5:14pm Edited
(18 Oct 21 at 5:12pm)its not cheeto btw Wrote: +1 even though many people don't like you i see you as a good member of the staff team
best of luck

Sir this is a GM app

Interesting set of events, would love to see you on the GM side. +1

Current MPF Lobster (Head AIU)

Bore is dead

Secretly a Staff Main
Bel1ve. likes this post
cheeto  VIP 18 Oct 21 at 5:21pm
oooh shit i didn't notice that LMAOO

idc if ur blood or you crip if u jacking the opps anybody get hit

Alma Armas  VIP 18 Oct 21 at 8:50pm
One of the two active EOWA. I'm afraid of the powers he will get..
JK +1 would love to see this guy as GM and in staff chat lol
Kenny McCormick  VIP 18 Oct 21 at 9:17pm
Despite your past, your application demonstrates your care for the server, as well as event hosting. However, there are some reservations I have...

The Console question, while the solutions being somewhat acceptable, aren't really "fun" for the participants. A good example of what I would do is this:
The guy decides not to open the door for whatever reason, and instead wants to destroy the computer. I decide to introduce a push/pull factor to get the guy to open the door, whether it be NPCs or a profit incentive. Or I could just have the door open anyways and the CO be electrocuted by the destroyed computer lol.
Your prior behaviour is also a reservation I have. While you haven't caused drama as of recent, your prior incidents with SCAV and Tech/OVA do still linger in the minds of many. I, personally, don't care, and believe in equal opportunity for most.
Otherwise, best of luck

love me some lore
former hgm, npu dvl (sentry), lvet co
Destitute the :dab:  Chief Executive Officer VIP 18 Oct 21 at 10:19pm

I have many reservations on your personality, character and history on the server.
Kiwi  VIP 21 Oct 21 at 5:42pm
ghost ya a good lad, so I would like to see ya given a try in GM
also have to agree with kenny on the console question, like don't punish em to harshly or if you do make that crap as funny as you can.
Berd  Head Administrator Affairs Counselor VIP 22 Oct 21 at 1:32am
Your answers seem pretty fine, just like your formatting for this application, however...
Just like Kenny said, the answer to the console question could've been better, but regardless, you're extremely active and involved within the community (literally played for 12 hours or more yesterday), and you show a lot of care for the server, which is hella promising

+1, goodluck Ghost
Redert  Server Moderator 6 Nov 21 at 8:17pm
+1 Good events, active, has quite a few warns but I feel like he’s changed.

Honorary Shield
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