Increasing the prop limit for Engi and Grid

Banana  VIP 23 Feb 22 at 4:51pm
FULL RP Name(s):
Chief of R&D Baker
EOW BLESSED 04 7704 
OTA SHIELD 09 7704

Discord Username:
Lemme Think#9369

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What is your suggestion?
A: Raise the prop limit for the Engi ULX from 15 to 20 or 25.

How would this benefit the server?
A: This would help Engis and Grids build cooler FOB's while allowing creativity to flow smoothly without worrying about prop limit so much. Obviously, there is still rules in play that don't allow these creations to run wild so I don't see a reason to not increase it a slight bit. Increasing prop limit would also allow them to build Fobs with smaller props instead of bigger props allowing for less stress on the server (props don't cause that much of a fps hit anyway but still). In all, I don't see any reason to not increase the prop limit slightly in order to allow Engis and Grids with the base ULX to have a better time on the class and have fun. 

~ Banana 
Chief of R&D
Discord: lemmethink
Etzil  VIP 23 Feb 22 at 4:54pm
+1 Too many times have I seen a teammate ask a GRID/Engi to "add this" or "add that" here or there, and the only thing they can say is they're at their prop limit.
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Redert  Server Moderator 23 Feb 22 at 4:55pm
I agree with raising the prop limit. COs can limit the size of FOBs so it doesn’t get out of hand, and I feel like it won’t anyways.

Honorary Shield
ErRoRS_  Server Administrator VIP 23 Feb 22 at 4:56pm
+1, relating to Etzil's post. I can mostly build my fob's but there's little spots here and that that ruin the entire FOB ultimately leading to it's downfall which could be fixed with a few props.
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MountySyrus  Member 23 Feb 22 at 5:01pm
+1, FOB building gets hard when there's lots of open space and only 15 props to build with.
Dionysus  Member 23 Feb 22 at 5:17pm
+1, honestly I think 30 would be better but that's probably just me.
BrunoHeroFactor  Member 23 Feb 22 at 5:49pm
Yea i suggest 30 because its a pain in the ass to build a manufacturing plant or a lab with 15 props
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