Mechanica gaming GM app

Kell Sol  Member 4 Nov 21 at 11:11pm
Gamemaster Application

List all RP Character names

GRID CmD Mechanica, CWU H-C T3 Olena, HECU SPC Alexandra

SteamID & Discord Name/Tag

solarpanel#0101 , STEAM_0:1:77349677


EET, Ukraine

List all (if any) previous punishments (Warns/Bans)

Warn for racism

What is your reason(s) for applying for Gamemaster?

I heard that CO's should apply for GM to help their divisions become more active and do events for them so that's exactly what I'm doing. Also doing events look fun. 

Have you ever been Event Staff or something similar before? If so, list your previous positions.


Describe how you react to negative feedback, from constructive criticism to borderline harassment.

Not going back and forth, just listening to what the person has to say and leaving it at that. 

While planning a server-wide Event you realized that it would make hosting it much easier if you had another Gamemaster assisting you, and manage to get someone to help. Unfortunately 5 minutes before the Event is scheduled to begin, they messaged you and said they would be absent. How do you proceed?

See if there are other GM's available to help. If not I would continue the event. 

While planning an Event, you decide to test some of the tools you think would be helpful. You go to the admin room, and start to experiment. Unfortunately, while testing with some NPCs the server crashed. How do you react?

Report the server crash to Management. 

An NCO has finished training a Recruit, but there are no COs or Staff online to provide the whitelist. What do you do?

Nothing as GM's cannot whitelist people. 

While hosting a server-wide Event you have implemented a RP section where players can interact with a computer in order to open a door. Unexpectedly, a CO decides that they would rather that door stay closed (Presumably so that the other side cannot continue), and orders that the computer be destroyed. Given that the door is essential to progressing your event, how do you react?

Tell the CO that it's part of the event and need's to stay there so it can progress. 

While hosting a server-wide Event, a CmD/MAJ decides that they dislike it, and begin to openly attempt to get players to refuse to participate. This reaches the point that there are almost no players participating on one side. How do you resolve the situation?

Report them to their respective higher-up's. 

After hosting a server-wide Event, you are in the middle of a post-event Debrief when the COs present tell you to stop hosting your DB so they can host theirs. How do you react?

Tell them it's mandatory and if they continue report them to their respective higher ups. 

What permissions do Gamemasters have, both inside and outside of Events?

Spawning vehicles for either side, mini events. 

While preparing to host an Event, you notice that there are 3 vehicles deployed, and that the server is lagging a bit because of that. What do you do?

Ask the CO's if they could recall the vehicles 

Describe your design process of Events prior to queuing them.

Since I'd mainly be doing events for GRID, they would be focused on building scenes where they salvage cars or recover a weapons cache. Also setting up RnD stations. 

Create three Event ideas and describe them below. Be as detailed as you feel necessary. Originality is appreciated, and a lack of details will be penalized.

1. Zombie outbreak, part of a map gets overrun by zombies and rebels need to escape before combine bomb the whole place. 

2. Convoy event, either side has to provide escort of a VIP to a certain location 

3. Vehicle event where we have some tank combat, just a shoot em up type thing. Objective would be to eliminate either side's tanks

How often do you think GMs should host events?

As often as they can, when the player seems bored. 

Do you understand and accept the following clause: I will not leak Staff or Gamemaster information, I will not abuse my powers, and I will not break the Gamemaster rules.

I understand. 

Do you understand the basics of using ULX? List what you know. 
Asquiish  VIP 4 Nov 21 at 11:23pm
+1 mans got the knowledge and time spent to be a good GM, get this man a drink
Alma Armas  VIP 4 Nov 21 at 11:48pm
I've seen what you can build. Having those skills alone would greatly benefit the entire gm team. +1
ozz12231  VIP 5 Nov 21 at 4:32am Edited
+1 good CO
He have alot of cool builds
Also GLaDOS bitch
Carbonated Carbon  VIP 5 Nov 21 at 7:23am
+1 though your event ideas didn't seem all that inspired, I'm sure that you'll be a good GM
Bel1ve.  VIP 5 Nov 21 at 9:44am Edited
+1 grigga in GM is pretty crazy (and its mechanica, who doesn't like him), appeal nice aswell Smile
Bertinox  VIP 5 Nov 21 at 12:03pm
+1 People might disagree but if I think you're nice and a good CO, definitely capable of doing the duties of a GM. Besides, your building skills are nothing to scoff at, at least from what I've seen. Good luck my man Big Grin

Hi : D
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[DEFN] Aithead  Head Gamemaster VIP 14 Nov 21 at 10:51pm

You have a history of being toxic, racism, and minging. You also recently abruptly left the Combine as a CmD.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Locked + Moved.

Gamemaster Supervisor.

Ancient GRID CmD, prior SU Major/GB COL.

Credit to SEVIN.
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