More guns

Dad?  Member 28 Aug 20 at 12:07pm
FULL RP Name(s):
A: SU Beowulf

Discord Username:
A: Beo 

Steam ID:

Workshop Link: (If applicable)
What is your suggestion?
A:I don’t believe there are enough guns for higher level players to craft and use in the end game 80-100 and for CvR in general. “Well apex doesn’t have anymore guns!” I have a solution!!! Add weapon variants that change the arche type of the weapon also the weapons I’ve suggested are titanfall which share the same weapons but! My solution is to label them as variants. Also maybe, now this is a long shot but maybe mashing weapon packs together? Maybe adding more futuristic weapons and  possibly modern weapons and labeling them as pre war for lore purposes? Well that’s my suggestion and for weapons that could be used I was thinking halo and killzone and I know odd picks.-Beowulf

How would this benefit the server?
A: adding more stuff would increase the longevity of the server 
ZivgZag  Member 28 Aug 20 at 12:54pm
Damn, that shit was bright


+1 need more gun and format was way better
Bel1ve.  VIP 28 Aug 20 at 1:09pm
+1 no words needed nigga this shit insane (gonna have to look at it when I get home)
Kenny McCormick  VIP 28 Aug 20 at 1:12pm
Love it, more guns = more trading and economy health

love me some lore
former hgm, npu dvl (sentry), lvet co
[DEFN] Sentinel  President 28 Aug 20 at 1:19pm
Do you have a link to these guns on TFA base with attachments, inspect animations, and c_hands?

[Image: skillissuebilly.gif]
Poison  VIP 28 Aug 20 at 1:22pm
+1 I like guns, you like guns. Who doesn't like guns?

"You can't change whats done, you can only move on."
~Arthur Morgan, The Legend of the East.

Dad?  Member 28 Aug 20 at 1:31pm
I’ll hit you up over discord sentinel
Destitute the :dab:  Chief Executive Officer VIP 28 Aug 20 at 8:02pm
The gun packs suggested have been denied, however I'll be leaving this forum thread open incase anyone else manages to find more gun packs.

Please ensure they are on the TFA Base before suggesting them.
Game Boy  VIP 29 Aug 20 at 11:02am

Titanfall is made by the same devs and is in the same universe as apex so Titanfall guns would fit perfectly and I'd really like to see some more weapon variety.
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