Mortar Swep Suggestion

MR.Arrow  Member 12 Aug 19 at 1:39pm
FULL RP Name(s):
A: S.U WO Heinz, MPF GRID 05 9864

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Workshop Link: (If applicable)
A:Already on server

What is your suggestion?
A:My Suggestion would be to remove the Mortar swep from the DVL,Leadership Jobs. And give them to Grid and Engineer. But instead of firing the swep with no requirments the grid or engi would have to build a Lazer cannon that actually shoots the lazer. Or a communications center to direct where the mortar where to strike with the swep.

How would this benefit the server?
A:It would add more counter play to the usage of the Mortar. Spectre units and mace could sabatoge the station the Grid sets up to prevent them from rebuilding it for 15 minutes. And would remove the need to make artillary/shells and call staff over. It would be 100% made and used by the player with no need to contact staff
Tora likes this post
Tora  Member 12 Aug 19 at 3:22pm
+1 Grid and engineers should be the ones to have these sweps, engis used to be able to build arty and have to call an admin to launch it.

I live my life a quarter mile at a time.
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