Phill GM Application

Pigboy13  Member 30 Dec 22 at 4:30pm Edited
 List all RP Character names
LVET FH V-9 PFC Phill / RU 08 Phill / CWU RNM T3-C OP Phill / OTA RANGER 06 74557 / NPU JURY 06 74557

SteamID & Discord Name/Tag

Pigboy13#8264 STEAM_0:1:123911451



List all (if any) previous punishments (Warns/Bans)


What is your reason(s) for applying for Gamemaster?

I think being a GM is a fun experience because I get to make my own stories and have people go through them. I like creating different puzzles and seeing if people can solve them. I also like the feeling of helping other people since I know CWU and NPU/MP need GMs occasionally.

Have you ever been Event Staff or something similar before? If so, list your previous positions.

I was GM on another server for about a year before I got perma banned.

Describe how you react to negative feedback, from constructive criticism to borderline harassment.

Whenever someone says something about my event I tell them “that’s a cool idea I’ll hold onto that” or something like that. If they are actually giving constructive criticism I will make a note of what they said and use it later but if someone is just harassing me I ignore them and maybe contact a higher up if they start going way too far.

While planning a server-wide Event you realized that it would make hosting it much easier if you had another Gamemaster assisting you, and manage to get someone to help. Unfortunately 5 minutes before the Event is scheduled to begin, they messaged you and said they would be absent. How do you proceed?

I would make an announcement that the event would be delayed a bit and send a message to other GMS on discord that if they could come help I would give them some of my credits or mats. I would then start thinking of a way to host the event by myself making changes if necessary and wait for someone to respond to my message for about 5-10 minutes.

While planning an Event, you decide to test some of the tools you think would be helpful. You go to the admin room, and start to experiment. Unfortunately, while testing with some NPCs the server crashed. How do you react?

I would DM sentinel on discord and be like “my bad bro I crashed the server while testing stuff on NPCs whoopsies” so that he could fix the server and then I would make a public apology.

An NCO has finished training a Recruit, but there are no COs or Staff online to provide the whitelist. What do you do?

The NCO job should be able to whitelist people so I would teach them how to open the whitelist menu but if they can’t whitelist I believe the staff job can access the menu but if not then I don’t know to be honest.

While hosting a server-wide Event you have implemented a RP section where players can interact with a computer in order to open a door. Unexpectedly, a CO decides that they would rather that door stay closed (Presumably so that the other side cannot continue), and orders that the computer be destroyed. Given that the door is essential to progressing your event, how do you react?

I would let him do it but give the other side a chance to either make a teleported into the area or blow up the door depending on which classes they have online.

While hosting a server-wide Event, a CmD/MAJ decides that they dislike it, and begin to openly attempt to get players to refuse to participate. This reaches the point that there are almost no players participating on one side. How do you resolve the situation?

I would talk to the CO and ask what’s wrong and if they have some actual concerns about the event I would make the necessary changes but if it’s something that’s not a good reason I would DM one of their higher ups about the situation and wrap up the event as fast as I can.

After hosting a server-wide Event, you are in the middle of a post-event Debrief when the COs present tell you to stop hosting your DB so they can host theirs. How do you react?

I would ask them nicely to be patient for a bit because the event DB can be helpful for gathering feedback and it shouldn’t take too long.

What permissions do Gamemasters have, both inside and outside of Events?

Outside of events GMS will color vehicles that MACE/SU steal. They can also color brainwashed people that were capped by NPU/MP. GMS can also give the pills for CWU and OVA. 
During events GMS should either be an actor or they are cloaked and watching to see what everyone is doing and helping the event move forward and making sure the server doesn’t explode.

While preparing to host an Event, you notice that there are 3 vehicles deployed, and that the server is lagging a bit because of that. What do you do?

I would say in text chat that I plan to do an event soon but the vehicles are really laggy so if they could not deploy any more vehicles that would be cool and just wait a bit for the vehicles to either get destroyed or undeployed.

Describe your design process of Events prior to queuing them.

So basically I will get an idea for an event either through someone talking to me and getting an idea or watching a video on YouTube. I then get on google docs and start writing a script for how I would want the event to go and any challenges from people if they don’t do something the way I intended them to. I then load up single player gm_flat grass and start making dupes for the event if necessary. I will then hop onto the server and grab some models if I want to use them for my event. 

Create three Event ideas and describe them below. Be as detailed as you feel necessary. Originality is appreciated, and a lack of details will be penalized.

1. So basically combine were doing transhuman experiments  in the field and the rebels are going to try and capture the test subject and carry them back to their base on a stretcher. The combine are going to hold off the rebels for a while until they can destroy the body by burning it. If the rebels can capture the body they will have the chance to conduct some augmentations on people (by doing /roll and scoring high) for different effects (hp boost, sprintspeed). If the combine win then overlook would be happy and give the defenders the token GMS can give out I forget which one it was.

2. A military plane carrying weapons has been discovered. Combine and Rebels will fight each other to secure the vault where the weapons are. Which ever side can hack the vault open (would take about 5 minutes of controlling the area) would be able to enter it and grab some weapons to improve their odds in the field. They could also try to repair the plane which would become like the gunship from call of duty.

3. The antlions have become disturbed so to activity from the combine and rebels and now they are wrecking havoc somewhere on the map. A group of citizens used to live in that area so now they have nowhere to live. The combine and rebels will fight the antlions and each other in order to improve their reputation among the citizens. However a man that claims to be an antlions farmer will show up and offer rewards if the combine and rebels stop killing his livestock. If a side decides to help the farmer he will give them weapons, credits, and tokens. If a side decides to help the citizens then the citizens will join them as a respective NPC squad (about 5) led by me.

How often do you think GMs should host events?

I think every GM should do 1 event each week.

Do you understand and accept the following clause: I will not leak Staff or Gamemaster information, I will not abuse my powers, and I will not break the Gamemaster rules.


Do you understand the basics of using ULX? List what you know.

I know you should never use * because it effects everyone on the server. @ will target the dude you look at and ^ targets yourself. The commands I know are !bring, !goto, !scale, !noclip, !god, !buddha, and !slay.
Big Iron  Senior Infrastructure Moderator VIP 30 Dec 22 at 4:44pm
-1 event ideas are short and stale. some of them are overused ideas. another thing is that this app looks bland and I don't think you have that much creativity. sorry.
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PersikkaPete  VIP 6 Jan 23 at 7:29am
Neutral leaning on the -1 side, very basic events, also whats stopping the combine from burning the body in the field
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Redert  Server Moderator 6 Jan 23 at 12:21pm
-1, you were GM on another server then got permabanned?

Honorary Shield
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