Regulers coolest Staff Application yet

Bateman  VIP 20 May 21 at 7:42am
+1 he plays funny music during debrief!
Regular  Member 21 May 21 at 1:56am
That was a Null thing. I forgot something at the beginning (logging the roasters) and giving out roles one time. And only because that he says it's a reason to demote me. (and after that I didn't even forget anything lol) But I understand it I suppose.
[DEFN] Venom  Head Administrator Junior Affairs Counselor Trial Gamemaster VIP 21 May 21 at 3:49am

We have decided to deny your application. Your answers lack detail and your recent behaviour that got you demoted are concerning.
Sorry for late reply.
You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Head Administrator

ex: NPU Fortress OFC-III
Military Police Captain
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