Remove invisible walls

MinimalOverwatch  Affairs Counselor VIP 21 Sep 19 at 5:27am Edited
FULL RP Name(s):
A: su camper

Discord Username:
A: unmuted person#8558

Steam ID:
A: STEAM_0:1:121959743

Workshop Link: (If applicable)
A: no

What is your suggestion?
A: Remove invisible walls that prevent snipers from sniping

How would this benefit the server?
A: I find using roof area really cool and interesting, but you can't actually snipe there. You have to abuse different places to shoot above walls. You have to get as close as possible to a guy you want to kill, when sometimes, you could just snipe him ( CROSS sniping peeps on street for ex.) You see him and can't do a thing cause of walls. I find those walls really confusing and retarded as they are even set that way, you can abuse them
Zio  VIP 21 Sep 19 at 6:50am
Roofs are op ngl
Bel1ve.  VIP 21 Sep 19 at 7:42am
-1 This would just make people be able to spawn camp all the way from their base. Its a good way to stop people from camping rooftops also so big negative sir.
Zio  VIP 21 Sep 19 at 7:59am
-1 The map is filled with roof tops, from which you can reach to points where you can hold down whole alleyways. so no, keep the walls
MinimalOverwatch  Affairs Counselor VIP 21 Sep 19 at 10:51am
Then they should make them visible. This is retardism when you have waste shoots in order to understand do you even hit the target on other roof
[DEFN] madpro187  VIP Member 21 Sep 19 at 10:55am
+1 As i cant fire rockets in certain parts of under the railroad, this is a huge ass problem and is frankly annoying
Also, Skybox limit needs to go up a l o t
Zio  VIP 21 Sep 19 at 11:14am
skybox is being worked on
#1 Great Wooden Dad  Member 21 Sep 19 at 11:36am Edited
No -1
Climbswep classes already have a huge advantage with going on roofs, this was made to stop that you wont get buttfucked from anywhere on the map

Plus if you see your bullets do nothing against kn roofs theirs your indicator you cant shoot there
MinimalOverwatch  Affairs Counselor VIP 21 Sep 19 at 11:42am
And that’s how you lose ability to use instant moment to kill. They should improve those walls then as there are ways to abuse it.
[DEFN] Brand  Community Advisor VIP 21 Sep 19 at 3:44pm

Invisible walls exist for quite a few reasons, ranging from preventing spawnkill, preventing someone falling through the map,

Whilst Climb SWEPers should get places to go, some climbable areas are too powerful
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