Thank you, CVR...

Robert West  Member 26 Aug 21 at 5:57am
Hello, all. I would like to use this post to express my admiration for the CVR staff. Well, specifically one staff member in particular, the one who is responsible for spawning the OVA Foxtrot ragdoll near Objective I on the outlands2 map. When I bore witness to that shriveled, pathetic little malformed figure crumpled up at the foot of a mountain, I couldn't help but feel a swell of emotion boil up inside me. Not only is the CVR development team excellent at creating realistic combat simulators within the Half Life 2 canon, but they are also masters of environmental storytelling. Perhaps this little OVA was piloting a marvelous piece of Combine engineering, only to suffer a fatal catastrophe, leaving only his hollow corpse to fester amongst the underbrush. I kneeled down and patted his kevlar vest and kissed his respirator. I grabbed his forearm and flapped his lifeless hand across my face. I threw his arms over my neck and casted us both tumbling down a nearby hill. I was cut up terribly by shards of broken glass (possibly the remnants of his vehicle?) and sharp rocks. I lied down on my back and looked to the sky as a Hunter's flechette projectiles flew across my screen like shooting stars and I unleashed a bellowing guffaw. Thank you, CVR, for reminding me of the beauty that human hands can create...
Destitute the :dab:  Chief Executive Officer VIP 26 Aug 21 at 6:31am
Uhh that was me.

I kinda just forgot to delete that lol, it's from an old campaign.
Bel1ve.  VIP 26 Aug 21 at 6:40am Edited
I pooped on him
Bateman  VIP 26 Aug 21 at 7:39am
we need more cvr players like this man
Raven  Community Advisor VIP 26 Aug 21 at 7:44am
I love this man

Community Advisor
[Image: b1e12a2cdf553c121f41b0510fcb0033951fd417.gifv]
send me pictures of your frog  Senior Server Administrator VIP 26 Aug 21 at 9:27am
i think i shed a tear reading this. nvm i definitely did

Senior Administrator 
Bore/Sev  Head Administrator VIP 26 Aug 21 at 10:05am
Hey, that's pretty good

Current MPF Lobster (Head AIU)

Bore is dead

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