The Epic Team

Woorj07  VIP 5 Jan 22 at 7:09am Edited
What would be your dream squad? From the six slots of the squad system what types of people from each division would you have? Which subdivision makes the best squad leader in your opinion? (This is referring to the subdivision not an individual)
Berd  Head Administrator Affairs Counselor VIP 5 Jan 22 at 7:10am
5 OSS and 1 helix as squad lead
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AbsentPulse  VIP 5 Jan 22 at 8:26am
6 MPF squad boys
The coordination is amazing
I would also say that a squad union/squad RF is the best squad leader because of our halfed respawn timer

Union Overseer CmD Pulse

Stealing from Sev since 1987
Alma Armas  VIP 5 Jan 22 at 9:57am
3 KILO 3 Foxtrot, all in vehicles.

3 HC and 3 Striders.
Raven  Community Advisor VIP 5 Jan 22 at 9:58am
im an introvert so just me

Community Advisor
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Magnum  Certified Gamemaster VIP 5 Jan 22 at 10:03am
6 SWORD/LVET Assault, all with lunge, haste and center mass, just all bhopping straight in and out of points at max speed
Kenny McCormick  VIP 5 Jan 22 at 1:17pm
2 sentry (incl. me), 1 helix, 1 EOW, 1 SWORD, 1 MACE

love me some lore
former hgm, npu dvl (sentry), lvet co
PyroShark  VIP 5 Jan 22 at 5:53pm
6 engineer and detailed blueprint of an 120 prop, 3 story fob

Tradesman Founder
Prior R&D Head Engineer
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