Trolls staff app

gnob  Member 17 Feb 22 at 3:44pm
FULL RP Name(s):

E9 Engineer troll

RU PVT keemstar


OTA SHIELD 08 4736

What is your current IG level?

Level 95 at the time of this app coming out.

Discord Username: Sloopy#0309

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90477324

What region/timezone are you located in?


Do you have a microphone?

No, but i wont let that effect my performance.

Previous Warns?

One, FailRP

Previous Bans?


Why do you want to be part of the staff team? Must be at least 3 sentences.

I wish to be apart of the team, not only to help players, but to get to know them, and ensure that they have fun while on the server. People ask why staff can't allow players to have fun, but DEFN actually allows people to have fun on the server, and i want to give new players that experience. Staff members such as mods are supposed to ensure that the server's rules are enforced while making sure people have a positive experience.

Why should you be accepted on the staff team? Must be at least 3 sentences.

I believe i should be a staff member on DEFN so that i can help the team, especially when there's not much staff members on im active, know a lot of the rules, such as Infiltration rules, not only that but standard rules that most of other servers include too. I don't see myself as a superior figure to regular players, i want to be some sort of Idol, someone that they can actually look up to when staff aren't available to assist them. 

I can get a bit heated at times, but i do my best to actually make sure that people aren't getting disturbed by my temper.

Do you understand that you must have "[DEFN]" tag in your Steam name whenever you join CvR?


Any staff who can vouch for you?

Yes, actually.

Zyer and Etzil, we don't exactly talk often, but we joke around.

If GMs count too, id say Aku and redhart

An MPF Union kills a Civilian but you don't know the reasoning behind the killing.
What do you do?

Firstly, i'd bring the civilian that got killed, and ask them about the incident, and know their side of the story.
Next, i would bring the Union that killed them, if the union brings up a valid point or reason, i would ask for Proof such as a clip recording or screenshot, the same with a invalid point. Once i conclude who is in the right/wrong, i would judge the unions fate.

An H.E.C.U. Soldier enters the Combine base to "RP defect".
How do you proceed as a staff member?

I bring the HECU soldier to a sit, and inform them that Defection is not allowed, afterwards i tell them if they want to 'defect', the closest thing i would say is try and join SU since they specialize in espionage and stealth, then i would warn the soldier for Fail RP.

You find a SU/MACE CO infiltrating without notifying their team in chat. You bring them into a sit to talk to them about breaking the rules. In this sit the CO threatens to demote your RP character if you don't let them go.
How do you handle this?

I would inform the SU/MACE CO that infiltrating without notifying is against the rules as a reminder, then tell them that even if you are a CO, you still need to inform your team. As for the demotion of character, i tell them that Admin Sits are OOC, since we cant have people in suits flying around, therefor, they can't demote a RP character that was involved in a OOC situation unless it majorly effects their division. I would then give them a warn for breaking Infiltration rules.

A group of players comes onto the server and threatens to DDOS or raid it.
What do you think you should do?

I would Perm-ban them. DDoSing or raiding is not allowed, i would console to the Higher rankings, and tell them what happened. If your wondering why, remember when Sentinel Banned over 100 accounts that were alts because someone DDoSed the server?

You see a high ranking staff member doing something questionable, but you don't know if it is allowed.
What do you do?

I would check the MOTD to make sure that the rule is allowed/unallowed, after that i would contact someone that is higher ranking than the staff member and inform them, i would either wait for them to get on, or bring the staff member to a isolated area and inform them of what they were doing and how it was going against the MOTD.
mordekaiser  VIP 3 Mar 22 at 3:54pm
judging by the lack of comments, Im gonna assume you just aren't super well known by others in the community just yet.
You just gotta find a place to cement yourself first, and also ask the people you know if they can vouch for you, rather than assuming they will just do it. It's how I got staff previously.
Other than that, your app seems pretty decent. Neutral leaning to a +1, just keep working on your standing with others around you.
mint julep  VIP 15 Mar 22 at 5:13pm

While your answers may be correct for the most part, your formatting is lackluster. On top of this, it's worth noting that not one member of the staff team could vouch for you on account of you being relatively unknown within the community.

While denial may be discouraging, I suggest you keep your chin up and simply reapply when you have made more of a name for yourself within the community.

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