Venom's GameMaster Application

[DEFN] Venom  Head Administrator Junior Affairs Counselor Trial Gamemaster VIP 5 Oct 20 at 5:38am Edited
Full Ingame Name(s)
NPU RIOT 09 6948

SteamID & Discord Name/Tag

What Region are you located in? What's your timezone?

Previous Punishments?
Metagame, LTAP, Lying To Staff 

What's your reason for becoming Gamemaster?

My reason for putting this application out to the forum is because it seems like CvR is trying to become more RP-oriented and I think that GMs will be needed more. Also, cause I love hosting event. I also want to bring more fun to the server when there is a low population on the server so they can enjoy the server and be entertained while more players get on

Have you ever been Event Staff or anything similar on other servers? If so please list below.

AdverseNetworks CvR-Server Manager
AdverseNetworks Darkrp-Senior Admin

Explain how you take criticism from other people, from constructive to border-line harassment.

 I would say I take criticism pretty well. I've been on the internet for long enough and it barely affects me. But, in general, if it's constructive and teaches me something I'll be thankful for it. But if it's just insulting then, I'll just ignore it. And if it goes to a point where he spams me, I'll just block him.

 A Combine CmD has openly expressed their distaste for an event you're doing at that moment. It has gotten to the point where he is actively disrupting your event. What is your course of action?

If this were to happen, I would weigh whether the CmD is Right and there is something wrong with the event or it's just a personal issue he has with me. If there would be something wrong with the event I would try to fix it mid-event to the best of my knowledge or if it's a really big problem halt it. But if he just dislikes me in person and there is nothing wrong with the event at all I would just make him stop and continue the event. If he doesn't stop, I will just kick him from the event.

A Resistance Fighter starts PMing you with some questions about a recent event you've done. However, because you were AFK, he has started harassing you. What is your course of action?

I would tell the RF that I was AFK and wasn't here. If he stops and decides to ask those questions, I would answer them. If he just continues to harass me I would just ignore him.

What are GM's permissions both inside and outside of events?

Inside Events, they can do whatever they want to set up their event. They can use NPCs, Vehicles, Props, etc.

Outside events, they can't really do much. Most stuff is handled by staff, however. they can spawn vehicles for civils, CWUs who request it with a ticket.

You are hosting an important Post-Event DB and all of a sudden, the CO's ask you to leave so they can do their DB and exclude yours. What is your course of action?

If this would happen, I would just nicely say no and resume my DB normally. After I'm done with my DB+ if the COs want to do something they can do it and hold the DB.

A Gamemaster who said he would be assisting you in an event later on today hasn't shown up and now the event is running behind schedule. What should you do?

Unless it's a really big important event, I'll just postpone it and DM another GM to join and assist me. If it's an important event, I will Solo it if possible and give it my best shot.

After getting a green light on an event, you notice there are 3 vehicles deployed at once. It is causing a little lag, what is your course of action?

I don't want to ruin the event with lag and ruin the gameplay for other players. I would just wait until they are destroyed or scrapped. Then do it.

What's the process GM's take before making events, from start to finish. (This is what YOU think)

1. Permission from an SGM+
2. Wait for the GreenLight.
3. Set up the Event in-game.
4. Enjoy The Event.
5. Log the Event.

List three events that you might do if you get accepted (DETAILED AND BE ORIGINAL) [Campaigans and RP Situations are EXCLUDED]


Summary: A Group of survivors fly above the city when a combine Headcrab canister hit's their Helicopter and crash. They survive the crash but it attracted a lot of zombies. The Local Arms Dealer rushes to the site to aid them with weaponry. But he gets trapped in there with them. The Rebel army has already sent a squad there it's just a matter of time until they arrive to the site and rescue the survivors before the combine does.

Execution of the event: Wave based zombie survival event. 2 GM required. 1 gm and 1 tgm (me). The GM would be the arms dealer giving them better weapons and ammo on each wave. The Enemy is Zombies Classic, Fast, Poison. There is 6 wave when they complete all the waves and clear out the zombies they get rescued. The reward would be a weapon of their choice not overpowered of course or a HP/AP buff.

Rules: No Teamkilling.


Summary: It seems that a weapons dealer arrived at the city with a white van and packed his stuff to a shop. He sells everything you desire. But not for money he has a peculiar way of selling these things.

Execution of the Event: Simple Shop event with a twist. 1 GM required for the event. 2-3 Security could be hired if necessary. The shop sells various items, from high tier weapons and objects to low tier bug baits. The twist is that the payment for these weapons are challenges written on the shop's wall. There are a lot of challenges to do for weapons but a person can only do 1/life. Here are some of the challenges: Get 3 kills in a row with a pistol=Medium Tier weapons, Get 10 Kills with the Pulse SMG/Modular SMG in 120 seconds=High Tier loot, CrowBar/Stunstick someone=Low Tier Weapons.

Rules: 1 challenge/life, No RDM to complete challenges.

Killing Frenzy!

Summary: Simple OOC TDM event in an isolated area fighting arena 1 gm required. 2 teams 1 goal. Eliminate the enemy team. I will take the guns from the server. Put it in a generator and let it choose a gun. For example, if it chooses an SMG for blue team I would give them that smg then re-roll for red team. There will be 6-7 rounds depending on how quickly they kill each other. The winning team will receive a gun at their choice + 50 armor. The losing team will receive a 25/50 stat boost for participating.

Rules: No Teamkilling. 

Do you understand and accept the following clause: I will not leak staff information in gamemaster channels or otherwise. I will not abuse my powers in-game or otherwise. I must add [DEFN] to my steam username as soon as I get accepted.

I understand. And I already have [DEFN] in my name.

Do you understand the basics of ULX? (If so, list basic commands below)




Head Administrator

ex: NPU Fortress OFC-III
Military Police Captain
AlexMagus  Affairs Counselor VIP 5 Oct 20 at 10:22am
+1 venom has nice skills and is very active in this community which is definitive networks, especially it’s combine versus rebels server which is its only server. He shows much knowledge about the required subjects, which are to be apparent in his future role as game master of definitive network’s combine versus rebels branch
[DEFN] Venom likes this post
Kenny McCormick  VIP 5 Oct 20 at 12:29pm
+1 what magus said smh

love me some lore
former hgm, npu dvl (sentry), lvet co
[DEFN] Venom likes this post
Kobii  VIP 5 Oct 20 at 6:09pm
+1 helps when it aint even his job cool guy make him tgm pls
[DEFN] Venom likes this post
[DEFN] Aithead  Head Gamemaster VIP 8 Oct 20 at 12:33am

-Due to recent occurrences. 

-Event Ideas have a few issues; 1. Is a generic zombie survival event, can be popular but not original. 2. is a very generic shop event. 3. is a generic TDM event, with a rarely seen mild change. Overall, not much originality here, these are all events that have been hosted many times.

Locked + Moved.

Gamemaster Supervisor.

Ancient GRID CmD, prior SU Major/GB COL.

Credit to SEVIN.
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