Rules & Info
Combine vs. Rebels
Last Modified: January 31st, 2025 at 02:24 PM EST
- A. General Rules
Rule A1.
RDM is Prohibited.- RDM is defined as killing in any situation where it would otherwise be prohibited or not make sense to kill. This includes Spawnkilling, Teamkilling (Including carelessly firing in a way that kills your teammates), killing CWU/civilians/anarchists without a good reason, such as pull out a weapon, or hearing them giving the enemy information.
- You may not kill a player for going into a no-entry zone, you may only arrest them, unless under extreme circumstances.
- Excessive crossfire of civilians is considered RDM/MRDM depending on severity.
- Spawnkilling/Spawncamping is when a player aims at, shoots at, or kills people who are either inside their base, inside spawncamp borders, or have recently exited their base boundaries.
- Spawncamp boundaries are defined as the area around a faction's base that can be freely traversed by civilians, but not by the opposing faction.
- You may not loiter near/camp the opposing factions spawncamp borders, doing so may result in a spawncamp warning.
- Firing at enemies that are within their spawncamp borders is ALWAYS spawncamping, except for players who have built above or who are making use of GRID/Engineer constructions to fire out from within spawncamp borders.
- Teamkilling during Tryouts/Trainings is only permitted if it has been been made clear a tryout section will include PVP, and Teamkilling is only permitted during that section.
Note: Players are HIGHLY encouraged to screenshot or record anything they believe to be spawn camping and send the evidence to the unit's COs as soon as possible.
Rule A2.
Fail RP is prohibited.- Fail RP is defined as performing an action or behaving in a way which breaks or inhibits roleplay in any manner. This can include, but is not limited to, bunnyhopping, using /advert OOCly, having an invalid name, necksnapping EOD/OSS, making callouts after you die, prop killing with anything other than rollermines/manhacks, acting conversely to the implied role of a specialized class (such as not attempting to blend in as a disguised SU or kill farming as a pushback class), and/or disrupting the gameplay of others (such as by micspamming).
- Names must be properly capitalized, including all titles, ranks, and character names.
- Names/Titles depicting obscene acts, genitalia, or that are otherwise unnecessarily crass are not allowed, and may fall under FailRP/ERP.
- Factions must follow a standardized name format: | Division/Battalion | Sub-Division | Titles(if any) | Rank | Name
- Powergame and Metagame are both also considered to be Fail RP.
- Powergaming is forcing your own actions onto an unconsented player without giving them a fair chance to respond or counter, such as interrogating someone without rolls or camping vehicle spawns to steal them as soon as they are purchased.
- Metagaming is taking anything from OOC into an IC situation, such as granting a deployment outside of in-game chat or asking in team-chat/using tab menu or other OOC info to determine if somebody is an SU.
- NLR (New-Life Rule) applies to situations in which a player uses information their character could not reasonably guess after a death to their advantage.
- For instance, if a Jury captures a prisoner and then is killed by an SU while interrogating, they can't return to kill/re-arrest the prisoner based upon the knowledge that an SU had infiltrated and freed the prisoner.
- Any information sent in team chat is considered to be known by all members of the team, and retained across lives.
- Anarchist/Civilians may not enter restricted areas for the sole purpose of annoying or disrupting factional logistics, doing so is considered FailRP.
- Players must follow orders given to them by higher ranking individuals within their faction, not doing so is considered FailRP.
Rule A3.
Erotic Roleplay, in any form, is strictly prohibited. This includes sexual harassment.Rule A4.
Toxicity or harassment, whether OOC or IC, is prohibited.- This includes any action that results in a player leaving the server when otherwise avoidable.
- Any form of complaining, or arguing/debating in a public chat is prohibited.
Rule A5.
Server raids are defined as organized rule breaking or joining en masse with the intent to disrupt normal server operations.- Encouraging others to raid the server or break rules is prohibited.
- Streamers with more than 100 concurrent viewers must get permission from management to stream while playing on the server. Failing to do so is considered raiding.
Rule A6.
Exploiting bugs, glitches, map features (such as to go out of bounds or to stand on the very edges of a map)or loopholes in the rules is prohibited. Abusing an exploit for any reason is punishable.- Loop-holing is defined as the act of utilizing wording or technicalities in the rules to bypass the intended purpose of a rule, as determined by Server Staff. If you're ever unsure, ask a staff member.
Rule A7.
Switching jobs or disconnecting to avoid an IC scenario or OOC punishment is not allowed.Rule A8.
Management-approved Events or circumstances may disregard some or all of the MOTD.
Areas designated for Events are not allowed to be tampered with in any way.
Intentionally disrupting or ruining server events is punishable depending on severity.
Some Events may be designated as mandatory. Refusing to participate in those Events counts as a disruption of the Event.Rule A9.
You may only hold one character in each faction, jobs that don't take a character slot are exempt.- VIP's may have two characters per faction.
- Classes such as: CWU, Vortigaunt, OSE, EOD/OSS, Assassins, AIU/LC, and RF/UNION enlisted do not take up a character slot.
- You may hold 1 CO+ character per faction, regardless of VIP status.
- Each player has two honorary position slots which can be used in either faction.
- A player must previously have been a CO in a division to become an honorary member of that division.
- Each subdivision is allowed a maximum of 10 honoraries, with some exceptions. Honorary subdivision members may only use the NCO whitelist for their honorary position.
- You cannot hold OSS, EOD, LA, or EOWA positions at the same time (This includes honorary positions). You can only have ONE.
- Any position that grants access to any of the above whitelists (Such as a leadership character) also prevents you from holding an OSS/EOD/LA/EOWA character.
Rule A10.
Any and all RP actions are allowed, except for ones that:- Are explicitly stated to only be available to certain jobs/classes (E.g. Hijacking a vehicle, building fortification, capturing an enemy player, specialized crafting, explosives, stealing from the weapons locker, sabotaging terminals.)
- Cannot be counteracted by other players in a realistic manner.
- Break any of the rules in the MOTD itself, such as power gaming or ERP.
- Stretch beyond the idea of reality, such as backflipping 90 feet into the air, or suddenly acquiring items or gear not normally available to your class, such as bombs, tools, or weapons.
Rolls that require staff intervention, such as enslavement, must have a staff member present at the time of the rolls.
Rule A11.
Anyone may partake in or break ceasefires at their discretion.- Any faction CO can order you to partake or not partake in ceasefires, not listening to these orders will result in IC punishment.
- Ceasefires that are part of a Staff/GM event CANNOT be interrupted and will result in punishment.
- Ceasefires may not be held in faction bases.
- Factional functions such as tryouts and debriefs may not contain a ceasefire.
Rule A12.
Only macros or binds made purely within the GMod console are allowed. ANY third party software usage in game is classified as "hacking", including modifying the game's files.- Model and texture replacements for first person view models (such as guns, medkits, and anything else you may hold in your hand) as well as sound replacements for non-gameplay critical sounds ("gameplay-critical" being defined as sounds such as footsteps and the mace cloaking sound) are allowed.
- It is recommended to contact a Head Administrator before making any changes, or to answer any specific questions you may have.
Rule A13.
The usage of alternate accounts and VPNs is strictly prohibited.Rule A14.
An in-game tryout/training must take place for players to transfer between divisions. Tryouts are not required for reinstatements, CO transfers, or handpicked divisions.Rule A15.
Trainers can be held accountable when a recruit trained by them breaks rules due to inadequate training.Rule A16. You may not use any Non-English characters when communicating or naming your character.
If what you're doing or are about to do isn't listed here and you're curious, ask a staff member. If one is not available, use common sense. If you can't find an answer, contact a Head Admin+. Server Management has the final say over IC situations.
- B. Civilian/Passive RP Rules
Rule B1.
Civilians and Anarchists may only change their name and appearance while dead or immediately after respawning.Rule B2.
Civilians, Anarchists and CWU may be detained or KOSed for non-compliance (such as sprinting into a no-entry zone or excessively harassing/continuing to run at a soldier who has already given you five seconds to leave his area), for being in possession of weapons or other contraband, or for snitching. They may be KOSed if they raise their weapon, sprint into a no-entry zone, resist arrest, or assist an enemy faction (such as by gathering resources).- The above applies to Anarchists, meaning they require a valid reason to kill another Anarchist, a civilian, or a CWU member.
- Civilian stores that sell to both factions equally may not be attacked by factions unless they prove to otherwise be engaging in hostile behavior.
Rule B3.
Anarchist individuals may be announced as KOS for one life if they are discovered or are witnessed performing hostile acts.- Anarchist factions may be KOSed for up to an hour by COs for performing hostile actions against a faction. They may change their identities after death but may not act like a faction during this if they do so.
Rule B4.
Anarchists may steal and use any vehicle, excluding synths(Strider/Hunter/Gunship) and the T90.Rule B5.
Only anarchists consisting of two or more people in a faction may kill within base borders.- Factions are official anarchist organizations that require approval of the GM team.
- Factions under no circumstance should interrupt trainings, tryouts, and debriefs.
- Killing whilst in base requires a valid purpose, examples being self defense or when raiding the weapons lockers.
Rule B6.
CWU may not attack combine under any circumstances. CWU are permitted to assist rebels, but doing so can carry IC punishment if discovered IC. - C. Infiltration and Scouting Rules
Rule C1.
Infiltration and Scouting missions are defined as:- Infiltration - Working within enemy base/spawncamp borders in a way that could have a tangible effect on gameplay (for example, saving captives).
- Scouting - Working within enemy base/spawncamp borders in a way that has no tangible effect on gameplay beyond any information gained from observation (for example, spotting vehicle deployments is okay. Killing enemies is not.)
Only MACE/SU/Assassins can perform infiltration missions. Only SCAV/CROSS/FOXTROT (while in a manhack) can perform scouting missions.
Infiltration and Scouting missions both remove movement restrictions within enemy base borders, however scouting units must immediately exfiltrate once they are spotted or fired upon, and cannot fire back in self defense. Assassins may only infiltrate to perform an Assassination mission.Rule C2.
Infiltrations and Scouting Missions MUST be granted by a NCO+.
NCOs are allowed to self-grant, but must announce their intentions to do so in team chat.- When infilling for a vehicle, units can decide whether to sabotage or steal at their discretion.
- While on any mission, infilling units can change their mission to saving a captive without requesting permission (but must still note it in team chat prior to or immediately after completing the mission).
Rule C3.
Infiltrators and Scouting units may not disrupt training/drill sessions, debriefs, or tryouts directly or indirectly (by killing, causing chaos, etc) where possible unless they are held outside of spawncamp borders.- Infiltrating units ARE allowed to disrupt any of the above activities if it is absolutely necessary to save a captured ally.
Rule C4.
No more than four units may infiltrate a base at one time. (This does not include units that are currently captured).
This number increases to 10 when a member of their faction's high command (CmD/Major+) has been captured.Rule C5.
Infiltrations must have a valid reason, including (but not limited to): Stealing a vehicle, destroying fortifications, assassination of a target, sabotaging terminals, hacking communications equipment, stealing weaponry, or seeking a target for any of the above missions.- Additionally, deliberately baiting enemies into attacking you so you can fire back is not considered self-defense, and doing so outside of an assassination is considered spawn-camp.
Rule C6.
Once a task has been completed, the Infiltrating Unit(s) must attempt to escape, or die trying. They may engage enemy units in self defense while doing so. They cannot ask for additional tasks until they have fully exfiltrated and left spawncamp borders.Rule C7.
All synthetic ground vehicles, the T-62 and Dog are immune to being stolen in any way. SU/MACE can roll to C4 props within the enemy base. A unit may only attempt this once every 5 minutes, and the unit must call staff and perform a quick “/me plants C4” before rolling against the staff member.- Successfully C4ing props also destroys any props that would be unsupported without the removed prop, such as a bridge collapsing without supports.
Rule C8.
Any player can be targeted for an Assassination Mission, however only one player can be chosen and they can only be assassinated once, including if they're revived.- Up to 4 people surrounding the target can be killed too (bodyguards). - Any more and it becomes a mass assassination (RDM).
- There is a 10 minute cooldown timer for targeting the same person, even if a mission is failed.
Rule-set C9: SU Rules
Rule C9a.
SU must have a valid, justifiable reason to cuff someone beyond simply for 'information'. This can include, but is not limited to:- To blend in (ie. cuffing a suspected SU, attempting to pass off a real combine as an SU, cuffing prior to checking somebody's ID, etc)
- Infilling with another SU capped, then leaving with them disguised once you reach cells
- Using them as a combat tool, dragging enemies to isolated areas and executing them (albeit quickly and without wasting time or handing them to an MP)
SU cannot simply abandon captives somewhere, and must either uncuff or kill them when they're done with them. SU cannot deliver their captives to MP to be interrogated.
Rule C9b.
SU may not disguise as their own combine characters.Rule C9c.
Disguised SU may not use the RPG against vehicles on the field unless the enemy controls half or more of the points on the map. - D. Building Rules
Rule D1.
Players may only build and spawn props when playing as GRID or Engineer.- Players with "Trusted" certification may build for roleplay or non-defensive purposes on any job. They may not construct fortifications or otherwise act as a GRID or Engineer without being on those jobs.
- All props created as a GRID or Engineer must be removed before switching to a different class.
- Exception: Both the MPF DvL and Chief of Development may switch between any whitelists as part of the same character without deleting their props. They may still only build while on a GRID or Engineer class.
Rule D2.
Constructed buildings must have a material appropriate to their faction and must not be made out of natural landscape props (Such as trees or rocks).- Rebels use a rusted metal and scrap
- Combine use a blue metallic color
Buildings must look like something that could have been realistically constructed by that faction. Engineers are allowed to use combine props and vice versa IF the prop looks like something that could have realistically been constructed by their faction when materialized or used in conjunction with other props that match their faction.
- For example, concrete barricades do not necessarily need to be materialized when used as part of a combine FOB.
Rule D3.
Buildings must follow the laws of physics. Examples of prohibited structures:- Floating structures with no means of reasonable suspension
- Bridges without supports
- Invisible/One-way walls
- Ramps without a reasonable slope
- Structures that facilitate head-glitching, or allow shooting while obscuring most or all of a player's head
- Catapults or similar machines that consist of a plank and a button with no realistic construction.
- Props that aren't properly collided with the world, projectiles, and/or players
- If a builder uses the precision tool to no-collide props with the world during construction, it is their responsibility to remember to recollide them once they are done.
- Forcefields and similar constructions aren't required to collide with players, but they must still be collided with the world
- This includes no-colliding props and stacking them inside each other as a way to reinforce them.
Props that can be fired through, including fences, grates, gates, and similar props, may only be spawned and used for explicitly non-combat structures. All props must be either frozen or constrained to a prop that is frozen. Prop vehicles are the only exception to this.
Rule D4.
Buildings that majorly disrupt player movement are not allowed.- There must be at least one entrance to a given building/area for it not to be considered a prop block.
- A blocked entrance may not be reinforced with more than three stacked props (meaning it's prohibited to require the destruction of 4+ props to destroy a barricade)
- Ground Vehicles must have at least one unblocked road/path to access the immediate surroundings of any given point.
- Additionally, if a checkpoint/roadblock is made and utilizes a moving door/gate it MUST be able to accommodate all combine/rebel vehicles, otherwise it is not a valid build.
- Doors with clearly marked buttons on both sides count as a doorway entrance. One-way doors are considered to be blocking that entrance from both sides, meaning an FOB must have at least one unobstructed, two-way entrance.
- All doors must remain open for at least four seconds before closing.
- Doors may not be used as a substitution for a barricade or similar prop to circumvent the prop limit.
- A player may not be required to pass through more than 2 doors to enter a building.
- Prop traps are considered to be blocking a doorway regardless of their size or status.
Bases or buildings which require players to solve a puzzle, crouch, jump, parkour, or navigate around excessive corners to make progress are prohibited.
- Small jumps onto barricades are okay as long as the whole FOB can be navigated without crouching or jumping
Rule D5.
Buildings used for training or tryouts within a faction's base are exempt from Section D, if they do not disrupt the server, players, or gameplay and serve a clear purpose.- Rule D6 is an obvious exception to this
Rule D6.
Building constructions that cause excessive lag, knowingly or otherwise, is prohibited.- “Lag” includes both FPS and server lag.
Rule D7.
Undoing/quick-deleting fortifications when enemies take over the area is prohibited.Rule D8.
When building or moving a prop, if you or the prop you are holding gets shot, you must delete, freeze, or drop the prop.- This includes grav-gunned props. After being shot or having a prop they are holding get shot, builders may not build for ten seconds. Abusing this rule to use a prop as a mobile shield (eg. freezing it as soon as it is shot) is prohibited.
Rule D9.
"Prop Vehicle" refers to any construction that allows for independent movement for the purpose of transportation or mobile defense.- Prop Vehicles must abide by the following conditions:
- Prop Vehicles may not travel faster than a Rebel Jeep.
- Prop Vehicles may not be overly layered with props so as to increase their HP. (Armoring is fine, massive stacks are not)
- Only one Prop Vehicle may be constructed at the same time per Faction.
- Prop Vehicles may not launch props, players, or other vehicles.
- If a Prop Vehicles ability to move is disabled or otherwise destroyed, the construction is considered destroyed and must be deleted.
- Prop vehicles cannot be phys-gunned at all while on the field.
Non-prop vehicles may not be edited or reinforced with props in any way.
Rule D10.
"Prop Trap" refers to any moving prop with the intention, purpose, or probability of killing players or damaging vehicles. This does not include launching props from the Gravity Gun, as that remains against the rules.- Prop traps must be of a reasonable size, clearly visible in their intent and purpose, and destroyable.
Failure to adhere to these rules will lead to the deleting of said props, with or without warning. Repeat offenders/major offenders will be permanently stripped of their ULX perms.
- E. Class Specific Rules
Rule E1.
Necksnapping EOD/OSS is FailRPRule-set E2: Capture and Prisoner Rules
Rule E2a.
When an enemy or civilian player is kidnapped or imprisoned, that player must either be taken back to base, or to an enclosed player-built area (outside of the base) as quickly as possible, and once their captor no longer has any use for them they must be killed or released.- Acting in bad faith, such as repeatedly targeting the same person or deliberately wasting a capture's time is punishable, both by IC officials and staff.
- MP/JURY COs are heavily encouraged to emphasize capture activities as the primary way of advancing within the division.
- A capture activity is defined as performing an act beyond merely killing the prisoner and/or using the terminal, and must be decided on before any effort is made to capture someone.
- If something has to be built for an activity to work, it must already be built before capturing is done.
- These interactions do not necessarily require buildings or other ULX permissions, and can also have mechanical outcomes where applicable, like resources.
Rule E2b.
Interrogators can call upon staff to verify the validity of information they were given if they managed to successfully interrogate someone.
E.g. an MP calls upon an admin to check that the UNION they successfully interrogated is telling them their real rank and name.Rule E2c.
There is a 10 minute faction-wide cooldown timer for capturing the same person after they have previously been successfully captured.- "Successfully captured" is defined as being brought either within base borders, or within an enclosed player-built area. Being cuffed and freed without being taken to base does not count as being successfully captured.
- The cooldown timer starts as soon as a unit is killed or released.
- NPU/MP should avoid deliberately cuffing the same person within this cooldown, and if they accidentally do so, must immediately kill them upon being made aware.
Rule E2d.
Only MP/JURY are allowed to capture players of the opposite faction with their cuffs.- Riot/Sentry (as well as Combine CO's) may detain suspected SU's within base base borders, however they either must kill them if they deem them to be an SU or transfer them to a JURY.
- CO's may cuff civilians in base.
Rule-set E3: Deployment Rules
Rule E3a.
Vehicles may only deploy to directly support infantry operations.- Ground vehicles must be assigned to a squad and remain in sight of that squad at all times.
- Air vehicles must be transporting passengers, or granted permission to act as fire support.
- When called in as fire support, an aircraft must state or be given a specific objective that can be completed in a very short period of time.
- After a fire support mission is completed, aircraft must immediately return to base.
- While outside of the base, aircraft cannot accept new fire support missions.
- When the enemy faction has less than 10 players, or is outnumbered by 15 or more players, vehicles may only deploy for transportation purposes.
- Drones (Manhacks & Rollermines) are exempt and can deploy at any time for any purpose.
- Vehicles may only be parked in areas which are accessible from ground level.
Rule E3b.
There must be at least 10 people on the enemy faction minimum to deploy any pushback classes.- Factions are limited to deploying 2 assassins and 1 EOD/OSS at a time while the opposing faction has fewer than 15 players.
- A faction may deploy EOD/OSS so long as they own 50% or fewer of the points on the map and are not in control of both active points.
- Factions may deploy assassins so long as they own 75% or fewer of the points on the map and are not in control of both active points.
- Neutral points count as being owned by both of the factions.
Rule E3c.
Air vehicle pilots should not fire on vehicles that are in their base, however they are given some leniency when engaging vehicles that are frequently dipping in and out of base borders or firing out from within.Rule E3d.
Undeployed pushbacks/vehicles may not fire from within base borders.- You may also not leave base borders to shoot, then move back in, as this would be a loophole/exploiting.
Any CO, as well as staff, can force any pushback/vehicle to undeploy at any time (unless overruled by a superior).
Deployments should be reserved for when they're necessary, and vehicles/pushbacks should not be deployed merely because they can be under the existing rules.- Frequent deployment without regard for the state of the game beyond point control is punishable, both by IC officials and staff.
Rule-set E4: General Vehicle Rules
Rule E4a.
Combine Manhacks must have a red light. Rebel Manhacks must have a green light.Rule E4b.
Striders may only access rooftops that are directly accessible by it from the floor, meaning they can't use multiple roofs as stairs to ascend higher.Rule E4c.
Anyone can drive an unarmed ground vehicle.- Armed ground vehicles may only be driven by Anarchists, KILO, Technicians, Engineers, GRID, COs of any division, SU, and MACE.
- Grounded Synths may only be driven by KILO.
- Air vehicles may only be piloted by Technicians, FOXTROT, SU, MACE, and Anarchists.
Rule E4d.
Only GRID and Engineers can hack player-controlled Manhacks and Rollermines, and they can only do so while holding the rollermine/manhack with the gravity gun on a friendly controlled point.- Hacking consists of a /roll between the hacker and the object being hacked, with the hacker succeeding on a successful roll. If they fail, they may not attempt to hack the manhack/rollermine again until it is destroyed.
When a rollermine is hacked, the Engineer/GRID may decide if they want the rollermine to fight for their faction or if they want to pilot it themselves.
Rule E5.
OSE and Vortigaunts must follow proper name format while on the whitelist.OSE names are formatted as "OSE LEGIONNAIRE (Numbers)"
Vortigaunt names are formatted as "Vortigaunt (Name)"Rule E6a.
Anarchists may steal vehicles, if the vehicle is unattended.- For example, if an APC is left unattended by either a OVA/R&D, they may steal said APC.
- In addition, you may not roll to steal back a vehicle that was stolen, you must have an infiltration class steal it via lockpick, or /hijack.
Rule E7.
Classes or Players equipped with a Rocket Launcher or Mortar may not fire at any player built fortification or vehicles from inside their base borders.- You may also not leave base borders to shoot, then walk back in, as this would be a loophole/exploiting.
What's New
December 23rd, 2024 Modified C7 to include the T-62 and the Dog.
October 24th, 2024 - Edit to Rule A9: allowed people to have 1 CO character per faction.
October 3rd, 2024 - Edited Rule A9.
August 31st, 2024 Edited E7 to include Mortar
July 15th, 2024 - Edited A2 to include new ruling for following orders.
June 26th, 2024 Added clarification for Rule E2c. to include the option of within an enclosed player-built area.
June 12th, 2024 Overhauled vehicle deployment rules (Rule E3a.)
June 6th, 2024 Added clause to Rule E3a: Transport vehicles may deploy whenever.
May 30th, 2024 - Edited Rule E3b. (minor adjustment due to point update.)
May 19th, 2024 - Added Rule A16.
April 26th, 2024 - Edited Rule E2d. to include new rulings on detaining SU's/Civilians in base.
April 25th, 2024 - Changed wording for Rule E3a.
April 9th, 2024 - Changed E3a. New playercount ruling.
April 7th, 2024 - Changed some wording on Rule C7.
April 6th, 2024 - Small formatting change under A1.
February 26th, 2024 - Added new spawncamp clause.
March 29th, 2024 - Added new format standardization changes.
March 16th, 2024 - Addition to E3a.
February 26th, 2024 - Addition for titles/names under A2.
February 24th, 2024 Addendum to Rule A4: Any form of complaining, or arguing/debating in a public chat is prohibited.
February 15th, 2024 Edited Rule E3b: Removed "vehicles", as it contradicts with the rule above.
February 14th, 2024 - Edited E to include new vehicle rule overhaul.
February 7th, 2024 - Removed base raid rules from the MOTD.
January 3rd, 2024 - Edited D4. Change wording for better understanding.
January 22nd, 2024 - Edited Rule D4. of new roadblock caveat.
January 13th, 2024 Edited E3a. Small clarification.
January 27th, 2024 - Edited A1. Wording clarification.
November 9th, 2023 - Edited A1. in regards to player-made builds and spawncamp.
November 21st, 2023 - Edited A2. Included new anarchist/civilians caveats.
November 21st, 2023 - Edited A1. Included new civilian clauses.
November 10th, 2023 - Edited C1. Added Assassins as an infiltration class.
November 3rd, 2023 - Edited C3. to specify drills are to be avoided by infiltration units.
October 30th, 2023 - Edited D3. and D4. to include new caveats for building.
October 29th, 2023 - Edited A2. Added NLR rules.
September 13th, 2023 Edited E3a. and E3e. to include stipulations regarding transports.
September 11th, 2023 - Edited E3c. and E3d to add E7. addendum.
September 10th, 2023 Edited A1. Added new TK during tryouts/training clause.
September 7th, 2023 - Edited E4. Includes new "quitting" clause.
September 5th, 2023 - Edited E7. Clarification for vehicles.
September 5th, 2023 Edited E2c. Changed faction-wide cool-down for capturing to 10 minutes.
August 28th, 2023 - Added A15. Trainers can be held accountable when a recruit trained by them breaks rules due to inadequate training.
August 21st, 2023 - Edited E6. / Removed E6a.
August 14th, 2023 - Updated C9c. to reflect map changes.
August 12th, 2023 - Edited E3e. to reflect changed vehicle rules
August 10th, 2023 - Added rule A14
July 30th, 2023 - Edited A5 to clarify the definition of "Exploiting map features"
May 8th, 2023 - Updated vehicle rules to clarify that transports must respect the 10-person rule - Updated wording of MP/JURY activity rules
June 13th, 2023 - Edited C7. Disallowed stealing of any synthetic ground vehicle AND T-90.
June 12th, 2023 - Overhauled vehicle rules
June 6th, 2023 - Edited B5. Anarchist must be in official factions to pursue objectives within base borders.
June 1st, 2023 - Edited B4. Clarification of what anarchists can't steal.
May 28th, 2023 - Edited E3a. Unarmed vehicles (e.g Avia truck and Van.) may be deployed regardless of player-count.
May 24th, 2023 Edited E4c, added anarchist to those allowed to fly air vehicles. Edited B4 to allow anarchist to steal and use any vehicle excluding synths/T90
May 23rd, 2023 Edited A, B, and E section, with new rule edits and RP changes. A: - Management has final say on IC situations. - Any and all RP actions are allowed B: - Anarchist groups can kill in base. E: - Anarchist inside of vehicles can roll to steal - OVA/R&D inside of vehicles can roll to steal back vehicles
April 6th, 2023 - Edited E2a. removing the requirement for activities but also requiring divisions to emphasize them IC
March 19th, 2023 - Edited C5 to have new "Spy" mission clause.
March 7th, 2023 - Edited A2 to include name capitalization - Edited E2a with a few clarifications
February 19th, 2023 - Added a new clause to E2a - Added rule E2c - Edited F1 to clarify drones are considered vehicles
February 2nd, 2023 - Updated SU cuff rules to account for the removal of the NPU Passcode - Updated Building rules to include the "Trusted" system
January 6th, 2023 - Added clause for streaming to A5