Banana's GM Application :)

Banana  VIP 20 Jun 21 at 2:56am
List all RP Character names
Honorary MP Banana
C1 Supervisor Baker
T8 Guardian Angel Zanovich


SteamID & Discord Name/Tag
Lemme Think#9369


List all (if any) previous punishments (Warns/Bans)
No active ones but I did get warned for rdming an anarchist in 2019

What is your reason(s) for applying for Gamemaster?
I want to enhance the experience for players on the server in a fun way. Also being a Engi CO it would be nice to be able to take crafting tickets when no other GMS are online or available. Finally I genuinely believe that I would enjoy being a GM.

Have you ever been Event Staff or something similar before? If so, list your previous positions.
I am a moderator and I help out with events quite frequently.

Describe how you react to negative feedback, from constructive criticism to borderline harassment.
I note constructive criticism and apply it to future events for a better experience. For harassment, I just don't care but I would still listen to what they have to say as you can always learn from your mistakes.

While planning a server-wide Event you realized that it would make hosting it much easier if you had another Gamemaster assisting you, and manage to get someone to help. Unfortunately 5 minutes before the Event is scheduled to begin, they messaged you and said they would be absent. How do you proceed?
I would find a way to continue the event either by simplifying it or getting another GM. If nothing could be done and I need the extra help I would just cancel the event and schedule it for another time.

While planning an Event, you decide to test some of the tools you think would be helpful. You go to the admin room, and start to experiment. Unfortunately, while testing with some NPCs the server crashed. How do you react?
DM Sentinel explaining what happened and formally apologize.

An NCO has finished training a Recruit, but there are no COs or Staff online to provide the whitelist. What do you do?
Give him the whitelist as I'm both staff and a CO. (If I was neither I would also just give it to him)

While hosting a server-wide Event you have implemented a RP section where players can interact with a computer in order to open a door. Unexpectedly, a CO decides that they would rather that door stay closed (Presumably so that the other side cannot continue), and orders that the computer be destroyed. Given that the door is essential to progressing your event, how do you react?
Create an alternate route for the other side to continue or just say that the door jammed upon opening and is locked in the open position.

While hosting a server-wide Event, a CmD/MAJ decides that they dislike it, and begin to openly attempt to get players to refuse to participate. This reaches the point that there are almost no players participating on one side. How do you resolve the situation?
Inform staff on what is happening and report it to leadership/ DvL or Col. I would also speak to the MAJ/CmD and ask them to give me feedback on why they dislike the event and what I could do to make it better.

After hosting a server-wide Event, you are in the middle of a post-event Debrief when the COs present tell you to stop hosting your DB so they can host theirs. How do you react?
If I have nothing important to say I would let them host their DB and resume mine afterwards. If I do have important stuff to say, I would ask the CO to please be patient and resume my DB trying to hurry up.

What permissions do Gamemasters have, both inside and outside of Events?
- Craft things for Grid and Engi
- Whitelist if no one else is available
- Free stuck people
- Color faction vehicles and enslaved units
- Give stalker pill for stalkerizations
- Anything that doesn't generally affect the server in a negative way

- Change player models
- Set HP
- Give weapons

- Build
- Color vehicles and props
- Anything to make your event have the highest potential for success.

While preparing to host an Event, you notice that there are 3 vehicles deployed, and that the server is lagging a bit because of that. What do you do?
If I have time, wait it out until they are destroyed and if not, ask them to un-deploy for the duration of the event.

Describe your design process of Events prior to queuing them.
- Have a solid idea of what I want to do
- Add a unique spin to it
- Test my event on maps in the rotation on single player
- Think of any possible problems or twists that could arise and have backup plans to sort them out

- Talk to another GM or Staff member and see what they think and get feedback

Create three Event ideas and describe them below. Be as detailed as you feel necessary. Originality is appreciated, and a lack of details will be penalized.

1. TC down: A transport chopper (ka29) crash landed after being struck by an AA unit. Upon investigation, both pilots were found dead but surviving the crash is Brigadier General Krone. Unarmed and alone he sends out a distress signal but accidentally broadcasts it on an open channel. Both factions pick up his signal and close in on his location. The first ones to safely bring back Krone will win the event. Extra details of the event are that Krone will be given extra HP to avoid accidental and easy death. The participant will be remodeled to resistance leadership and be unarmed. The crash site would be located in the middle of both bases as to avoid "bias". The event would last for 10-15 minutes and of nobody has captured Krone by the given time, Krone would succumb to his wounds causing the event to be over. If this happens both sides would RTB and get rewards as to make them feel their time was not wasted.

2. Infected: Participants would hop on the civilian whitelist and put [EVENT] in their name. there would be 1 infected with a stunstick trying to kill the non-infected. Once and civilian is killed they become infected and try to hunt the remaining players. The last 3 players left standing get rewards ranging from a weapon to 1000 credits and everyone who participated gets 500 credits out of my pocket. This would take place in a dimly lit room (not pitch black) so that the stun sticks glow and the darkness is an added challenge for the infected.

3. Retribution: A squad of EOWR have come together and decided to defect. The squad moves into PC office and steals vital Intel on the Combine. They move into KILO bay and steal an APC making a mad escape. A loud Boom is heard as the APC flips over and gets totaled. They just hit a rebel IED now rebels are closing in on the sound. The EOWR take cover in the nearest building and come to realize the Intel is damaged. They must hold out for 10 minutes while the Intel is undergoing repairs. Combine and Rebels will fight each other and the defetced EOWR. If the EOWR manage to escape with the repaired Intel, they win and get big rewards weather it be weapons or a big credit prize. If the EOWR die by either faction, both factions will receive rewards being weapons or credits. (the EOWR participants can just switch to either faction and get rewards that way) The EOWR squad will have boosted HP and Armor as to balance out fighting 2 factions at the same time. They can even have dedicated roles like one Reaper can have a medkit and one can have an m249 with an ammo dispenser while the rest have the standard load out. The squad would ideally be no more than 5 people all in a party.

How often do you think GMs should host events?
1-2 a week, big events 1 every month.

Do you understand and accept the following clause: I will not leak Staff or Gamemaster information, I will not abuse my powers, and I will not break the Gamemaster rules.
Of course

Do you understand the basics of using ULX? List what you know.
^ target self
* target all
@ target player you are looking at

~ Banana 
Chief of R&D
Discord: lemmethink
Redert  Server Moderator 20 Jun 21 at 2:58am
Banana may be one of my Engineer CO's, but other than his great activity and overall work ethic, he has great straight-forward answers to the questions, along with good, thought out events. He is dedicated to getting into GM as he asked me a few questions, showing that he cares. Good luck Banana!

Honorary Shield
Banana likes this post
Carbonated Carbon  VIP 20 Jun 21 at 10:34am Edited
+1 I've seen banana around as a moderator doing his job and he is a good person. His application is also good and the events seem to be unique and enjoyable.
Banana likes this post
Echos  VIP 21 Jun 21 at 9:16am
+1, known overall well since he used to be MP CPT and activity is poggas also events seem fun
Banana likes this post
Kiwi  VIP 21 Jun 21 at 2:38pm
+1 engi CO so he knows how to build mildly well, The events seem good and decently original.
also a fellow fruit so I welcome him to the GM gang
Banana likes this post
Luka Hellthorn  VIP 27 Jun 21 at 6:08am
Nothing to say here that's negative. Quite consise and simple. Straight to the point. Man knows his shit.
ozz12231  VIP 28 Jun 21 at 10:09pm
+1 already a staff so he is trusted and good app also a great guy and he is active
[DEFN] Aithead  Head Gamemaster VIP 2 Jul 21 at 3:24pm

Additional information will be provided over Discord.

Locked + Moved.
(Sorry about the delay)

Gamemaster Supervisor.

Ancient GRID CmD, prior SU Major/GB COL.

Credit to SEVIN.
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