[SUGGESTION] Make the lock-on siren in an aircraft louder

qShad  Member 25 Jan 25 at 6:44pm Edited
FULL RP Name(s):
A: R&D O-1 MJR Head Technician Jaccob Coltman, R&D E3 Engineer Coltman, NPU JURY 06 05959, MSO CROSS 06 05959

Discord Username:
A: qShad5602

Steam ID:
A: STEAM_0:0:439754500

Workshop Link: (If applicable)
A: N/A

What is your suggestion?
A: Make the siren that plays in aircraft when they're being locked on by an RPG louder

How would this benefit the server?
A: The siren when you're being locked on by an RPG whilst piloting an aircraft exists but is WAY too quiet. Its there however its so quiet that you can't hear it due to the engine being so much more louder. This gives you barely anytime to realize there's a missile heading straight for your aircraft and to start pulling off evasive maneuvers. A temporary fix is by lowering down the engine volume but then you wont be able to hear other aircraft when they're deployed and can't make out which one is deployed by the sound they make.

This is an issue on both rebel and combine aircraft. And the fix for this is really easy. Just turn up the volume of how loud the lock-on siren is and its fixed.

You probably know me as: R&D O-1 MJR Head Technician Jaccob Coltman
Persistence and B E E S like this post
B E E S  VIP 2 Feb 25 at 11:15pm
As a heavy/ballista and OVA the lock on noise is crazy quiet, I get why heavy/ballista would have a quieter lock on noise to make the RPG "nerfed" in some way but for air vehicles it is way too quiet, and most of the time unheard over everything else going on, why even have the audio if it can't be heard half the time. I don't even see the audio being louder for pilots being that much of a nerf for heavy/ballista because the lock on for the RPG is much better now and most times even if the pilot hears the lock on audio your still gonna get a solid lock and hit
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