Nerf RPG

NoiseStorm  Junior Affairs Counselor VIP 21 Apr 20 at 1:57pm
FULL RP Name(s):
A: Stryker

Discord Username:
A: NoiseStorm#0001

Steam ID:
A: STEAM_0:0:82723908

Workshop Link: (If applicable)
A: N/A

What is your suggestion?
A: Nerf RPG

Atm the RPG is just being used as primary at this point, first it was rebel heavy use it all time but now Ballista is also joining in it. Honestly the rpg never needed a buff its not meant to be really used on infantry other then large groups or vehicles.

First off the cooldown is to shorts so its just used as primary?
Second: The rpg can snipe quite decently so its even being used at long range vs snipers now. 

So I suggest nerfing it back to how it was earlier or nerf damage/cooldown on each shot.

How would this benefit the server?
A: Stop rpg being used as primary
himynameiszdenek  VIP 21 Apr 20 at 2:00pm
+1 please, it is being really annoying being literally sniped by a blazing rocket.
KingDogeThe3rd  Member 21 Apr 20 at 2:14pm
I mean there already is a significant cool down on shots it’s like 10 seconds or something and 90% of the time you die trying to use it.
Game Boy  VIP 21 Apr 20 at 2:39pm Edited
+1 kilo was getting obliterated prior.

Now this is just overkill
Nekso  Senior Infrastructure Moderator VIP 21 Apr 20 at 2:45pm
+1 Rockets fuck everything up and using it against infantry is insane
Bel1ve.  VIP 21 Apr 20 at 2:48pm
+1 ballista and hvy using it as primary :pensive:
Juan  Member 21 Apr 20 at 3:13pm
+1 Rockets are actually fucking insane. I don't believe the cooldown should be touched though, its pretty fucking long as it is.
I'm honestly not sure what could be made to nerf the RPG issue, lower DMG would kinda suck and I don't want that, maybe lower splash radius/dmg? As it stands right now, you can't really run away from an RPG fast enough to avoid getting insta killed by the splash dmg at most distances, and I'm a bloody scav.
SugarCoat  Member 21 Apr 20 at 3:14pm
This is fucking hell, all people with ballistas do is single rocket.
fat +1
Poison  VIP 21 Apr 20 at 3:36pm
+1 yes please

"You can't change whats done, you can only move on."
~Arthur Morgan, The Legend of the East.

Shower  VIP 21 Apr 20 at 4:30pm
+1 damage radius doesn't exist, if you get hit by the rocket splash it does 200 damage no matter where you are
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